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. 2021 Apr 24;289:98–104. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.04.016

Table 1.

Baseline measures for participants who completed baseline only (n = 451) and those who completed baseline and follow-up (n = 443).

Baseline only group Baseline and Follow-up group
Age Mean SD Mean SD
13.37 1.64 13.28 1.68
Gender n % n %
Male 231 51.2 221 49.9
Female 220 48.8 222 50.1
Household annual income
<£30,000 102 22.6 81 18.3
>£30,000 319 70.7 326 73.6
Prefer not to say 30 6.7 36 8.1
Child ethnicity
Asian/Asian British 5 1.1 3 0.7
Black/Black British 3 0.7 2 0.5
Chinese/ Chinese British 1 0.2 0 0
Middle Eastern/Middle Eastern British 2 0.4 1 0.2
Mixed race – other 18 4.0 13 2.9
Mixed race – White and Black/Black British 5 1.1 3 0.7
Other ethnic group 2 0.4 1 0.2
Prefer not to say 2 0.4 1 0.2
White – British, Irish, other 413 91.6 419 94.6
Measure (minimum – maximum)
1. Loneliness (4–12) 6.85 2.01 6.65 1.92
2. SDQ – emotional symptoms (0–10) 3.47 2.58 3.61 2.58
3. SDQ – conduct problems (0–10) 2.22 1.90 2.10 1.71
4. SDQ – hyperactivity-inattention (0–10) 4.65 2.68 4.44 2.50
5. K6 psychological distress (0–24) 6.55 5.04 6.10 4.63
6. Time spent talking with friends and family via voice and video calls per day (0–5) 1.79 1.49 1.70 1.39
7. Time spent texting with friends and family per day (0–5) 1.83 1.36 1.77 1.29
8. Closeness with parents (0–3) 2.10 0.79 2.15 0.75

1No significant differences were found between those who completed follow-up and those who did not complete follow-up using chi-square for categorical variables, a t-test for age and MANOVA for the questionnaire measures.

SDQ=Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.