ST034307 relieves inflammatory pain in mice. (A) Different doses of ST034307 reduce paw licking behavior caused by an intraplantar injection with 5% formalin. (B) Different doses of morphine reduce paw licking behavior caused by an intraplantar injection with 5% formalin. (C) Dose-response curves of the sum of time spent licking the paw during the first 10 min of the graphs in (A) and (B). Vehicle’s response was set as 0% and the maximal possible effect (0) to 100%. (D) Dose-response curves of the sum of time spent licking the paw during the period in between minute 16 and minute 40 of the graphs in (A) and (B). Vehicle’s response was set as 0% and the maximal possible effect (0) to 100%. (E) Reduction of time spent licking the injected paw in wild-type (WT) and in AC1-KO mice treated with vehicle (V), 30 mg/kg ST034307 (S), or 10 mg/kg morphine (M) during the first 10 min of the experiment. (F) Reduction of time spent licking the injected paw in wild-type (WT) and in AC1-KO mice treated with vehicle (V), 30 mg/kg ST034307 (S), or 10 mg/kg morphine (M) during the period in between minute 16 and minute 40 of the experiment. For E and F vehicle’s response in wild-type mice was set to 0% and zero to 100%. Data in all graphs represent the average ±S.E.M., N = 6–8. ****p < 0.0001 in one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s test.