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. 2022 Mar 16;51(4):620–630. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13799


Results of the ROC analysis for the 6 measurements considered for the diagnosis of atlantoaxial instability (differentiation between control group and AAI group)

Measurements Head Position Cutoff value Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV AUC
VCI Ext. ≥0.16 100 94.54 0.8889 0.9974
Flex. ≥0.20 100 96.67 0.9583 0.9986
Atlantoaxial distance Ext. ≥4.1 81.25 69.86 0.5417 0.8179
Flex. ≥4.3 95.65 76.67 0.7586 0.9681
C1‐C2 Overlap Ext. ≤2.7 84.38 80.82 0.6585 0.9110
Flex. ≤1.8 95.65 90 0.88 0.9833
C1‐C2 Angle Ext. ≥176.9 90.63 82.19 0.6905 0.9456
Flex. ≥187.4 95.65 96.57 0.9565 0.9565
Basion‐Dens Interval Ext. ≥5.9 75 73.97 0.5581 0.8399
Flex. ≥3.0 95.65 96.67 0.9565 0.9957
DALR Ext. ≤0.24 21.88 100 1.0 0.6607
Flex. ≤0.29 21.74 100 1.0 0.7130

Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; DALR, dens‐to‐axis length ratio; PPV, positive predictive value; VCI, ventral compression index.