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. 2022 Jul 25;17(7):e0271888. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0271888

Table 2. Clinical characteristics of study participants stratified by gender (N = 366).

Variables Total Male Female P value
Age (years) Mean (SD) 54.5 (10.7) 55.9 (10.7) 52.5 (10.5) 0.003
Duration of diabetes (years)
Mean (SD) 4.4 (4.9) 4.9 (5.4) 3.8 (4.1) 0.04
    Up to 1 year n (%) 116 (31.7) 65 (17.8) 51 (13.9) 0.16
    >1 to-5 years n (%) 149 (40.7) 78 (21.3) 71 (19.4)
    >5 years n (%) 101 (27.6) 65 (17.8) 36 (9.8)
Anti-diabetic medication
    No n (%) 106 (29) 57 (15.6) 49 (13.4) 0.45
    Oral n (%) 260 (71) 151 (41.3) 109 (29.8)
    Oral+Insuline n (%) 9 (2.5) 6 (1.6 3 (0.8)
Family history of diabetes
    Yes n (%) 129 (35.2) 77 (21) 52 (14.2) 0.41
    No n (%) 237 (64.8) 131 (35.8) 106 (29)
FV (servings/day) Mean (SD) 2.1 (1.0) 2.08 (0.94) 2.16 (1.15) 0.46
MET (minutes/week) Mean (SD) 5769.1 (4302.1) 6007.4 (4292.7) 5455 (4307.9) 0.22
BMI(Kg/m2) Mean (SD) 25.0 (3.6) 24.5 (3.6) 25.5 (3.6) 0.01
WC (cm) Mean (SD) 89.5 (18.6) 90.2 (17.7) 88.6 (19.8) 0.42
SBP (mmHg) Mean (SD) 130.4 (16.9) 131.7 (16.5) 128.7 (17.2) 0.09
DBP (mmHg) Mean (SD) 85.1 (10.7) 85.7 (11.0) 84.3 (10.3) 0.22
FBS (mg/dl) Mean (SD) 135.6 (60.3) 134.3 (64.3) 137.2 (54.0) 0.64
PPBS (mg/dl) Mean (SD) 218.2 (81.6) 216.8 (86.2) 220.2 (75.4) 0.69
TC (mg/dl) Mean (SD) 152.8 (39.1) 150.4 (38.6) 156.0 (39.6) 0.17
TG (mg/dl) Mean (SD) 173.0 (102.4) 172.8 (98.2) 173.2 (107.9) 0.97
HDL (mg/dl) Mean (SD) 43.8 (7.3) 41.2 (6.4) 47.3 (7.1) <0.001
LDL (mg/dl) Mean (SD) 74.3 (3.5) 74.6 (34.6) 74.0 (35.7) 0.88

FV (Servings of fruit and/or vegetable), METs (Metabolic equivalents of tasks), BMI (Body Mass Index), WC (Waist circumference), SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure), DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure), FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar), PPBS (Post-prandial Blood Sugar), TC (Total Cholesterol), TG (Triglyceride), HDL (High-density Lipoprotein), LDL (Low-density Lipoprotein)