Figure 4.
(A) Induction of senescence after transfection of PaTu-8988t (upper panel) or Colo357 cells (lower panel) with miR506-3p (red) vs. NC1 (gray), as determined by flow cytometry. (B) Confocal microscopy of PaTu-8988t cells transfected with miR506-3p (lower) vs. NC1 (upper panel) and stained with the senescence detection kit (green) and DAPI (nuclei; blue). (C) Flow cytometry-based determination of accumulation efficacies of the dye MitoView 633 in the mitochondrial membrane after transfection with miR-506-3p (green) vs. NC1 (gray) in PaTu-8988t (upper panel) or Colo357 cells (lower panel). (D) Confocal microscopy of PaTu-8988t cells transfected with miR506-3p (lower) vs. NC1 (upper panel) and stained with DAPI (left) and MitoView 633 (red; center panels). Boxes: areas selected for higher magnification; arrows: elongated mitochondria. Scale bars: 50 µm, higher mitochondria magnification: 15 µm.