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. 2022 Jun 24;12(7):826. doi: 10.3390/brainsci12070826

Table 14.

Mean values of copulatory parameters of the first series of copulatory activity of male LY/HY rat sub-lines at the first copulatory test with a receptive female rat (sexually naïve condition) and after at least 5 copulatory tests (sexually experienced condition): comparison with genetically heterogeneous Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats.

Psychogenetically Selected Rat Sub-Lines
Copulatory Parameters LY HY SD
Naive Experienced Naive Experienced Naive Experienced
ML 683 93 * 694 140 * 400 25 *
IL 2590 187 * 1499 226 * 500 30 *
EL 2655 345 * 2700 520 * 1200 520 *
MF na 17 na 13 15 6 *
IF na 10 na 8 21 10 *
PEI na 300 * na 380 * 470 360
EF na na na na 1 2.7 *
III na 70 na 120 # 60 30 *
CE na 0.59 na 0.45 # 0.60 0.72 *

ML, IL, EL = mount/intromission/ejaculation latency (seconds); MF, IF, EF = mount/intromission/ejaculation frequency; PEI = postejaculatory interval (seconds); III = inter intromission interval (seconds); CE = copulatory efficiency (for definitions see legend of Table 8 and Table 11). Experimental details and data for HY/LY rats are in [280] and Sprague-Dawley rats in [248]. na = not available. * = significantly different, experienced vs. naive, same rat sub-line, for each couple of rat sub-lines. # = significantly different, naïve/experienced HY subline vs. naïve/experienced LY rat sub-line.