Figure 8.
Effect of (S)-MK-26 on synaptic functions in the rat hippocampus as examined electro-physiologically in slices. (A) Illustrative setting of a rat hippocampal slice with positioned bipolar stimulation and recording electrodes located at the CA3 and CA1 synaptic regions, respectively. (B) Analysis of basal synaptic transmission (input/output curves) from recordings obtained in slices derived from animals treated with (S)-MK-26 or vehicle. No statistically significant differences were observed between experimental groups (two-way repeated-measures ANOVA; F(1,22) = 0.2406; p = 0.6286; n = 12 animals per group). (C) Averaged values of the fEPSP slopes through time, in slices obtained from animals that underwent (S)-MK-26 and Koliphor/vehicle treatments. The time of delivery of the high-frequency stimulation (HFS) protocol, as well as Post-Tetanic Potentiation (PTP) and Long-Term Potentiation (LTP), are indicated by wide-pointing filled arrows (see also Materials and Methods). Whereas no differences between groups were apparent during PTP (which was markedly promoted in both cases), slices derived from animals treated with (S)-MK-26 presented with a marked increase in LTP compared to controls (repeated-measures ANOVA F (1,22) = 7.258, p = 0.0133, n = 12/group). (D) Histogram for the field slope values specific to min 1 and 25 after LTP induction. * = p < 0.05. Data are displayed as mean ± SEM.