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. 2022 Jul 25;12(7):e9138. doi: 10.1002/ece3.9138


List of individuals and their relative kinship identified in the 1.native_invasive and 2.europe dataset in the relatedness analysis

Individual ID 1 Individual ID 2 Loiselle k (SPAGeDi) Kinship (VCFtools) Kinship (ML‐Relate)
CHCAS2 CHCAS3 0.513879 (FS) FS FS
CHBE121 CHBE122 0.512615 (FS) FS FS
DEHD2 DEHD3 0.509926 (FS) FS FS
CHPR1 CHPR2 0.492123 (FS) FS FS
FRMA11 FRMA9 0.473704 (FS) FS FS
CHBE121 CHBE129 0.471598 (FS) FS FS
CHBE122 CHBE129 0.470286 (FS) FS FS
CHNE1 CHNE5 0.453771 (FS) FS FS
FRST10 FRST1 0.445381 (FS) FS FS
CHNE2 CHNE5 0.325529 (FS) FS FS
IPA4 IPA5 0.318006 (FS) FS FS
AAM6 AAM8 0.312713 (FS) FS FS
CHNE2 CHNE4 0.306556 (FS) FS FS
IBA2 IBA3 0.301730 (FS) FS FS
CHNE4 CHNE5 0.286318 (FS) FS FS
FRST1 FRST4 0.194805 (FS) HS HS
FRST4 FRST9 0.188862 (FS) HS HS
FRST10 FRST4 0.179891 (HS) HS HS
FRST1 FRST9 0.165271 (HS) HS HS
CHBA6 FRSL1 0.162914 (HS) HS HS
FRST4 FRST5 0.159820 (HS) HS HS
AAM3 AAM4 0.148871 (HS) HS HS
FRCO3 FRCO4 0.145682 (HS) HS HS
CHNE1 CHNE2 0.136978 (HS) HS HS
FRCO2 FRCO4 0.120723 (HS) HS HS
FRST10 FRST5 0.090178 (UR) UR UR
CHCO11 CHCO15 0.088116 (UR) UR UR
CHCAS1 CHCAS6 0.084865 (UR) UR UR
FRGR7 FRGR9 0.083812 (UR) UR UR
FRGR3 FRGR8 0.082819 (UR) UR UR
IBA3 IBA5 0.079113 (UR) UR UR
CHLU2 CHLU3 0.071667 (UR) UR UR
CHCAS3 CHCAS8 0.065919 (UR) UR UR
CHCO14 CHCO6 0.062289 (UR) UR UR
IC14 IC7 0.061200 (UR) UR UR
FRCO2 FRCO3 0.060119 (UR) UR UR
FRGR2 FRGR8 0.056716 (UR) UR UR
IVA2 IVA6 0.055244 (UR) UR UR

Note: Kinship was determined by three different methods, first using SPAGeDi where pairs of k > 0.1875 are identified as full siblings (FS), those of 0.0938 < k < 0.1875 as half‐siblings (HS) and those k < 0.0938 as unrelated individuals (UR), second using VCFtools (flag ‐relatedness2) based on a relationship inference algorithm and lastly ML‐Relate to run specific hypothesis tests of putative relationships assigned by SPAGeDi. We added to this table the values of 14 randomly selected individuals from the same population and their respective Loiselle K values. Sample information for each individual ID listed is reported in the Appendix S1.