DsRed expression level with increasing number of TUs. (a) The arrangement of the individual transcription units in tandem in pMIDAS. DsRed (red box) was cloned into the last position in constructs harboring 2–5 TUs. The other TUs can include VRC01 heavy chain (HC; dark green), VRC01 light chain (LC; blue), Griffithsin (GRFT; light green) and 6x‐His tagged J3‐VHH (J3HS; yellow). (b) DsRed expression levels in leaves infiltrated with 1 TU (DsRed), 2 TUs (HC‐DsRed), 3 TUs (HC‐LC‐DsRed), 4 TUs (HC‐LC‐GRFT‐DsRed), or 5 TUs (HC‐LC‐GRFT‐J3His‐DsRed), as well as leaves co‐infiltrated with 4 TUs and DsRed as separate constructs (DsRed with HC‐LC‐GRFT‐J3His), quantified at 6 dpi. Leaves infiltrated with pMIDAS only were used as a negative control (Control). Box plot for DsRed expression levels represent the mean, minimum, and maximum of six biological repeats. Data were analyzed using Brown–Forsythe and Welch ANOVA tests with Tamhane T2 multiple comparison test (*p < 0.033 and **p < 0.002). ANOVA, analysis of variance; TUs, transcription units