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. 2022 Mar 4;62(3):965–981. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20692


Summary of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) identified by genome wide association studies (GWAS) for Hagberg falling number (HFN), protein content (PRT), test weight (TW), and grain yield (YLD)

Trait QTL Chr Peak SNP cM bp −log10 P Marker R2 a Effect b Allele Freq
HFN HFN_1B.1 1B Jagger_c5878_119 0 1,254,498 3.10 0.079 28.42 0.58
HFN HFN_3A.1 c 3A RAC875_c99055_69 283.735979 728,322,627 4.08 0.114 −30.65 0.47
HFN HFN_3B.1 3B BS00099738_51 227.3745367 759,168,681 3.04 0.077 −31.32 0.73
HFN HFN_6A.1 c 6A Kukri_c29110_360 88.77758706 Un 3.83 0.103 −31.56 0.61
HFN HFN_6A.2 c 6A BS00082104_51 192.8384162 581,841,966 3.69 0.098 32.95 0.38
HFN HFN_7B.1 c 7B RAC875_c525_202 261.6310052 750,082,927 4.78 0.134 −44.19 0.19
PRT PRT_1A.1 1A BS00086680_51 71.0976257 281,657,026 3.26 0.087 0.39 0.52
PRT PRT_1A.2 1A Excalibur_c13489_867 96.6018344 452,020,371 3.03 0.079 −0.36 0.38
PRT PRT_1A.3 1A RAC875_c5882_307 231.6429733 589,054,742 3.01 0.079 −0.33 0.34
PRT PRT_2A.1 2A RAC875_rep_c69619_78 207.5522799 734,352,032 3.15 0.083 −0.33 0.56
PRT PRT_2B.1 2B BS00046165_51 260.7730538 697,510,384 3.04 0.080 0.44 0.19
PRT PRT_3A.1 c 3A wsnp_Ku_c30545_40369365 107.2210875 363,458,708 3.34 0.090 −0.35 0.52
PRT PRT_3B.1 c 3B wsnp_Ex_c20652_29734133 112.6476302 292,024,034 3.39 0.091 −0.44 0.79
PRT PRT_3B.2 3B RAC875_c58159_989 155.9566423 564,248,743 3.10 0.081 −0.46 0.83
PRT PRT_3B.3 c 3B GENE_1618_780 279.0622821 820,894,420 3.02 0.079 −0.33 0.52
PRT PRT_6B.1 c 6B BS00009795_51 12.20934913 4,876,473 3.36 0.090 ‐0.35 0.44
TW TW_1B.1 c 1B RAC875_rep_c95069_54 81.49097047 336,647,904 3.12 0.080 −1.24 0.21
TW TW_3B.1 c 3B GENE_1771_541 57.06175117 32,458,901 3.60 0.095 1.20 0.36
TW TW_3B.2 c 3B RAC875_c58159_989 155.9566423 571,753,368 3.20 0.083 −1.43 0.86
TW TW_3B.3 c 3B Excalibur_c33274_498 207.7302565 738,752,902 3.21 0.083 2.04 0.05
TW TW_3B. 3B BS00073480_51 269.7509427 812,721,677 3.41 0.089 −1.91 0.91
YLD YLD_1A.1 c 1A RAC875_rep_c105092_114 72.6102779 304,040,711 4.03 0.109 0.62 0.50
YLD YLD_1A.2 c 1A wsnp_CAP8_c4785_2322876 166.3032581 544,054,745 3.28 0.085 0.56 0.79
YLD YLD_2A.1 c 2A RAC875_c48625_182 22.63785838 18,636,671 4.30 0.118 0.57 0.53
YLD YLD_2A.2 c 2A RAC875_c16993_839 245.2533379 774,815,015 4.57 0.127 −0.73 0.38
YLD YLD_2B.1 2B BS00002660_51 38.40853424 16,025,160 3.09 0.079 0.50 0.57
YLD YLD_2B.2 c 2B BS00091099_51 221.2304675 578,601,402 3.97 0.107 −0.55 0.54
YLD YLD_2B.3 c 2B BS00046165_51 260.7730538 697,510,384 3.45 0.090 −0.70 0.19
YLD YLD_2B.4 c 2B Kukri_c34553_188 319.3174469 766,234,466 5.56 0.161 −1.00 0.17
YLD YLD_2D.1 c 2D wsnp_Ex_c1668_3169623 35.64284331 Un 3.94 0.106 0.59 0.70
YLD YLD_3A.1 3A wsnp_Ex_c8884_14841846 179.8202073 625,239,797 3.13 0.08027 −0.51 0.73
YLD YLD_5B.1 c 5B CAP8_rep_c5825_165 3.286161131 15,054,913 3.27 0.0847 0.5 0.4
YLD YLD_6A.1 c 6A BS00082812_51 0.502519793 639,383 4.22 0.11534 0.73 0.78
YLD YLD_6A.2 c 6A wsnp_Ku_c3354_6228393 132.9525631 430,933,984 3.43 0.09203 −0.71 0.24
YLD YLD_6B.1 c 6B Kukri_c21405_2131 15.73078008 166,814 3.8 0.10161 −0.73 0.19

Note. The most significant marker at each QTL is listed. Genetic (Gardner et al., 2016) and physical (IWGSC, 2018) map positions for peak single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at each QTL are indicated. Where SNPs were anchored to physical map regions currently not allocated to a chromosome designation in the wheat reference genome assembly, the bp position is recorded as unknown (Un). SNP effect at each QTL were determined via two methods (defined below).


SNP effects determined via the outputs of the software TASSELL.


SNP effects determined via modeling the effects considering just those QTL identified for a specific trait.


GWAS hits identified using both kinship and kinship+PCA to correct for population structure. The remaining hits were identified using kinship correction only.