Overview of the data variables in the MASTREE+ data set. A more detailed description of the variables is included in Appendix 5
Variable | Description |
Alpha_Number | Unique code associated with each original source of data, that is, the publication, report or thesis containing extracted data, or the previously unpublished data set included in MASTREE+ |
Segment | Temporal segment of a time‐series containing gaps (note that years with no observations are not recorded). Individual time‐series can consist of multiple segments |
Site_number | Code to differentiate multiple sites from the same original source (Alpha_Number/Study_ID) |
Variable_number | Code to differentiate multiple measures of reproductive output from the same species‐site combination (e.g. where seeds and cones were recorded separately) |
Year | Year of observation |
Species | Species identifier, standardised to The Plant List nomenclature. ‘spp.’ is used to indicate a record identified to the genus level only. ‘MIXED’ indicates a non‐species‐specific community‐level estimate of annual reproductive effort |
Species_code | Six‐character species identifier |
Mono_Poly | Monocarpic (semelparous) or Polycarpic (iteroparous) species |
Value | The measured value of annual reproductive output |
VarType | Continuous or ordinal data. Continuous time‐series are recorded on a continuous scale. Ordinal series are recorded on an ordered categorical scale. All ordinal series are rescaled to start at 1 (lowest reproductive effort) and to contain only integer values |
Unit | The unit of measurement, where VarType is continuous |
Max_Value | The maximum value in a time‐series |
Variable | Categorical classification of the measured variable. Options limited to: cone, flower, fruit, seed, pollen, total reproduction organs |
Collection_method | Classification of the method used to measure reproductive effort. Options are limited to: cone count, cone scar count, flower count, fruit count, fruit scar sound, seed count, seed trap, pollen count, lake sediment pollen count, harvest record, visual crop assessment, other quantification, dendrochronological reconstruction |
Latitude | Latitude of the record, in decimal degrees |
Longitude | Longitude of the record, in decimal degrees |
Coordinate_flag |
A flag to indicate the precision of the latitude and longitude. A = coordinates provided in the original source B = coordinates estimated by the compiler based on a map or other location information provided in the original source C = coordinates estimated by the compiler as the approximate centre point of the smallest clearly defined geographical unit provided in the original source (e.g. county, state, island), and potentially of low precision |
Site | A site name or description, based on information in the original source |
Country | The country where the observation was recorded |
Elevation | The elevation of the sample site in metres above sea level, where provided in the original source |
Spatial_unit |
Categorical classification of spatial scale represented by the record, estimated by the compiler based on information provided in the original source. stand = <100 ha patch = 100–10,000 ha region = 10,000–1,000,000 ha super‐region = >1,000,000 ha |
No_individuals | Either the number of monitored individual plants, or the number of litter traps. NA indicates no information in the original source, and 9999 indicates that while the number of monitored individuals was not specified, the source indicated to the compiler that the sample size was likely ≥10 individuals or litter traps |
Start | The first year of observations for the complete time‐series, including all segments |
End | The final year of observations for the complete time‐series, including all segments |
Length | The number of years of observations. Note that may not be equal to the number of years between the Start and End of the time‐series, due to gaps in the time‐series. |
Reference | Identification for the original source of the data, see Appendix 4 for the complete list of references |
Record_type |
Categorisation of the original source. Peer‐reviewed = extracted from peer reviewed literature Grey = extracted from grey literature Unpublished = unpublished data |
ID_enterer |
Identification of the original compiler of the data. AHP, Andrew Hacket‐Pain; ES, Eliane Schermer; JVM, Jose Moris; XTT, Tingting Xue; TC, Thomas Caignard; DV, Davide Vecchio; DA, Davide Ascoli; IP, Ian Pearse; JL, Jalene LaMontagne; JVD, Joep van Dormolen |
Date_entry | Date of data entry into MASTREE+ in the format yyyy‐mm‐dd |
Note on data location | Notes on the location of the data within the original source, such as page or figure number |
Comments | Additional comments |
Study_ID | Unique code associated with each source of data. M_ = series extracted from published literature; A_ = series incorporated from Ascoli et al. (2020), Ascoli, Maringer, et al. (2017) and Ascoli, Vacchiano, et al. (2017); PLK_ = series incorporated from Pearse et al. (2017); D_ = unpublished data sets |