References | Year | Parallel or cross‐over | Control group | Duration (d) | Wash‐out (d) | Blinding | AOX agent | AOX form | AOX dose × frequency per day | Total n | n male/ female | Mean age (y) | Mean BMI (kg/m2) | Healthy or health condition? | Study quality a |
Broome et al. 19 | 2021 | Cross‐over | Placebo | 28 | 42 | Double | MitoQ | Tablets | 20 mg × once | 22 | 22/0 | 44 | 24.7 | Healthy | 5/7 |
Butler et al. 16 | 2020 | Parallel | Placebo | 28 | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | S.C. injection | 4 mg or 40 mg × once | 71 | 54/17 | 64.8 | 28.4 | Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction | 6/7 |
Cleland et al. 22 | 2019 | Parallel | Placebo | Up to 7 | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | I.V. injection | 20 mg × once | 306 | 239/67 | 70.3 | N/A | Heart failure with an LVEF = 40% within 48 h of an admission for worsening peripheral oedema | 1/7 |
Daubert et al. 23 | 2017 | Parallel | Placebo | 4 h | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | I.V. infusion | 0.005 or 0.05 or 0.25 mg/kg/h | 36 | 28/8 | 62 | 26 | Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (ejection fraction ≤ 35%) | 4/7 |
Eirin et al. 24 | 2018 | Parallel | Placebo | 30 min pre‐ to 2.5 h post‐PTRA | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | I.V. infusion | 0.05 mg/kg/h | 14 | 7/7 | 67.7 | 30.5 | Renovascular hypertension patients undergoing PTRA | 0/7 |
Gane et al. 25 | 2010 | Parallel | Placebo | 28 | N/A | Double | MitoQ | Tablets | 40 mg or 80 mg × once | 30 | 19/11 | 47.7 | 27.1 | Patients with document history of chronic HCV infection | 5/7 |
Gibson et al. 26 | 2016 | Parallel | Placebo | 15‐60 min pre‐PCI and for 1 h following reperfusion | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | I.V. injection | 0.05 mg/kg/h | 118 | 85/33 | 60.1 | N/A | First‐time anterior STEMI subjects undergoing primary PCI for a proximal or mid left anterior descending artery occlusion | 2/7 |
Karaa et al. 27 | 2020 | Cross‐over | Placebo | 28 | 28 | Double | Elamipretide | S.C. injection | 40 mg × once | 30 | 5/25 | 45.3 | 24.1 | Genetically confirmed primary mitochondrial myopathy | 5/7 |
Karaa et al. 17 | 2018 | Parallel | Placebo | 2 h per day for 5 consecutive days | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | I.V. infusion | 0.01 or 0.1 or 0.25 mg/kg/h | 36 | 6/30 | 43 | 23 | Genetically confirmed primary mitochondrial myopathy | 5/7 |
Kirkman et al. 28 | 2018 | Cross‐over | Placebo | Acute infusion | N/A | Unclear | MitoTempo | I.V. infusion | 1 mM | 11 | 6/5 | 58 | 24 | Healthy | 2/7 |
20 | 14/6 | 60 | 31 | CKD | |||||||||||
Kirkman et al. 29 | 2020 | Parallel | Placebo | 28 | N/A | Double | MitoQ | Capsules | 20 mg × once | 18 | n.s. | 62 | N/A | Stage 3‐5 CKD | 2/7 b |
Park et al. 30 | 2020 | Cross‐over | Placebo | Acute ingestion | 14 | Double | MitoQ | Capsules | 80 mg × once | 11 | 5/6 | 66.1 | 30 | Peripheral artery disease | 3/7 |
Pham et al. 31 | 2020 | Cross‐over | Co‐enzyme Q | 42 | 42 | Double | MitoQ | Capsules | 20 × mg × once | 20 | 20/0 | 50.8 | 26.6 | Healthy | 5/7 |
Reid Thompson et al. 32 | 2021 | Cross‐over | Placebo | 84 | 28 | Double | Elamipretide | S.C. injection | 40 mg × once | 12 | 12/0 | 19.5 | 17.6 | Genetically confirmed Barth syndrome | 5/7 |
Rossman et al. 33 | 2018 | Cross‐over | Placebo | 42 | 0 | Double | MitoQ | Capsules | 20 mg × once | 24 | 9/11 | 68 | 23 | Healthy | 7/7 |
Saad et al. 34 | 2017 | Parallel | Placebo | 30 min prior to PTRA until 3 h post | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | I.V. infusion | 0.05 mg/kg/h | 14 | 7/7 | 70.0 | 30.9 | Patients with severe atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis scheduled for PTRA | 4/7 |
Shill et al. 35 | 2016 | Parallel | Placebo | 21 | N/A | Double | MitoQ | Capsules | 10 mg × once | 20 | 20/0 | 22.1 | 26.9 | Healthy | 4/7 |
Stealth biotherapeutics Inc. 36 | 2021 | Parallel | Placebo | 28 | N/A | Double | Elamipretide | S.C. injection | 40 mg × once | 47 | 17/30 | 70.5 | N/A | Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction | 3/7 b |
Williamson et al. 37 | 2020 | Parallel | Placebo | Acute ingestion 1 h pre‐exercise and 21 d | N/A | Double | MitoQ | Capsules | 20 mg × once | 24 | 24/0 | 25 | 26.6 | Healthy | 3/7 |
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; HCV, hepatitis C virus; I.V., intravenous; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; N/A, not applicable; n.s., not specified; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PTRA, percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty; S.C., subcutaneous; STEMI, ST‐elevation myocardial infarction.
Study quality based on no. of Cochrane low risk‐of‐bias domains.
Study quality based only on abstract/clinical trial registry data.