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. 2021 May 5;12(4):1108–1121. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmab050


Comparison of debated quality carbohydrate indices with currently accepted quality carbohydrate indices that then inform foods that are accepted as quality carbohydrate-containing food sources

Defined carbohydrate quality indices Currently accepted and utilized indices “Quality” carbohydrate-containing foods based on currently accepted indices
• Percentage/ratio of fiber• Fiber type• Starch type and properties• Resistant-starch content• Rate of starch digestion• Sugar content• Carbohydrate digestibility fractions• Nutrient density• Micronutrients/phytonutrient content• Other factors that affect rate of absorption• Protein content• Protein quality• Whole-grain composition• Environmental sustainability• Prebiotic composition• Glycemic index and load • Whole-grain content• Fiber content• Percentage of added sugar• Glycemic index • Whole grains (i.e., rice, oats, wheat, barley, corn, rye)• Nonstarchy vegetables• Nuts and legumes• Pulses