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. 2022 Jul 12;12:916455. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.916455

Table 2.

Operation-related factors.

Characteristic Before propensity score matching After propensity score matching
Laparoscopy(n = 60) Hybrid (n = 70) p Open (n = 151) p Laparoscopy(n = 47) Hybrid (n = 47) p Laparoscopy(n = 34) Open (n = 34) p
Operation time, min 229.25 ± 8.27 228.01 ± 8.80 0.920 200.48 ± 4.68 0.002 232.53 ± 10.01 218.94 ± 44.16 0.375 229.09 ± 10.94 192.24 ± 9.49 0.013
Intraoperative blood loss, ml 150.00 (100.00–300.00) 200.00 (100.00–400.00) 0.036 200.00 (150.00–400.00) <0.001 150.00 (100.00–300.00) 200.00 (100.00–400.00) 0.290 100.00 (50.00–300.00) 200.00 (150.00–400.00) 0.021
Intraoperative transfusion, % 0.139 0.038 0.180 1.000
Yes 7 (11.67) 15 (21.43) 37 (24.50) 6 (12.77) 11 (23.40) 5 (14.71) 5 (14.71)
No 53 (88.33) 55 (78.57) 114 (75.50) 41 (87.23) 36 (76.60) 29 (85.29) 29 (85.29)
Initial defecation time, days 3.00 (2.00–5.00) 4.00 (3.00–5.00) 0.412 4.00 (3.00–6.00) <0.001 3.00 (2.00–5.00) 4.00 (3.00–5.00) 0.348 4.00 (2.00–6.00) 4.00 (3.00–5.00) 0.709
Postoperative hospital stay, days 8.00 (7.00–11.00) 9.00 (7.75–12.00) 0.092 9.00 (8.00–12.00) 0.005 8.00 (7.00–11.00) 10.00 (8.00–12.00) 0.095 8.00 (7.00–11.00) 9.00 (8.00–12.25) 0.052
Postoperative complications, % 0.468 0.415 0.285 0.434
Absent 45 (75.00) 48 (68.57) 94 (64.24) 36 (76.60) 32 (68.09) 28 (82.35) 25 (73.53)
Grade I 8 (13.33) 8 (11.43) 27 (17.88) 6 (12.77) 4 (8.51) 1 (2.94) 3 (8.82)
Grade II 4 (6.67) 8 (11.43) 11 (7.28) 3 (6.38) 7 (14.89) 3 (8.82) 1 (2.94)
Grade III 2 (3.33) 6 (8.57) 15 (9.93) 1 (2.13) 4 (8.51) 2 (5.88) 3 (8.82)
Grade IV 1 (1.67) 0 (0.00) 4 (2.65) 1 (2.13) 0 (0.00) 0 (0.00) 2 (5.88)

p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant and shown in bold.