Phylogenetic tree inferred by the maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods based on 84 CDSs from 93 plastomes of 81 lycophytes and 12 outgroup species. ML bootstrap (BS) and Bayesian posterior probability (PP) support values are separated by ‘/’ and marked on each branch (* indicates BS = 100 or PP = 1). (A) Phlegmariurus petiolatus [Photos: XL Zhou], (B) Huperzia javanica [Photos: SS Chen], (C) Palhinhaea cernua [Photos: YH Yan], (D) L. japonicum [Photos: YH Yan], (E) Isoëtes sinensis [Photos: YF Gu], (F) Selaginella tamariscina [Photos: JP Shu], and (G) Selaginella biformis [Photos: YH Yan].