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. 2022 Jun 22;10(7):346. doi: 10.3390/toxics10070346

Table 4.

Pesticide residues detected in the Volcán River watershed (2011–2013). Concentrations (µg/L) are presented as min–max (no. detections). Where no interval and parenthesis are presented, only one detection was made.

Site Diazinon Terbutryn Bromacil Oxyfluorfen Hexazinone Permethrin
Volcán 1 nd nd nd nd nd nd
Angel nd T nd nd nd 0.4
Cañas 1 nd T nd nd 0.3 nd
Volcán 2 T nd 0.1–0.14 (3) nd nd T
Maura T T 0.21–1.2 (4) nd nd nd
Peje 0.05–0.2 (4) nd 5.3–6.9 (6) T 0.2 nd
Volcan 3 T–0.02 (4) T 0.6–1.3 (5) nd nd nd
Cañas 2 T nd nd nd nd nd

nd = below detection limit. T = between LOD and LOQ.