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. 2022 Jul 19;19(14):8752. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19148752

Table 2.

Overview of the characteristics of the studies included (in alphabetical order of the first author of each study).

Author/Reference Country Study Type/Design Number of Participants and Their Characteristics Methods of Indoor Pollution Assessments and Collection Time Pollutant Analysis (Including Indoor-Outdoor) Method of Health Effect Measurement Results
Adgate, J. L., et al., (2004) [15] USA Prospective cohort Children from 2 inner city schools Organic vapor monitors, 1999, 2000. VOCs Home had largest and the school and outdoor environments had the smallest influence on personal exposure to VOCs.
Adgate, J. L., et al., (2004) another article [16] USA Prospective cohort Children from 284 house holds Organic vapor monitors, 1997 VOCs Personal exposure was strongly associated with home indoor environment after controlling for important covariates.
Batterman, S., et al., (2005) [17] USA Prospective cohort 4 single family home environments Four speed HEPA filter unit PM, VOCs Air filters can significantly lower PM concentrations in smoker’s homes if air exchange rates are limited.
Byun, H., et al., (2010) [18] Korea Prospective cohort 50 children Organic vapour monitors, 2008 VOCs Parental education, year of home construction and type of housing were correlated with personal VOC exposure.
Broich, A. V., et al., (2012) [19] Germany Prospective cohort 16 participants Optical aerosol spectrometer and a small video camera, 2010. UFP, PM10, PM2.5 Smoking and cooking were the main indoor sources for PM and the personal exposure significantly exceed the outdoor particulate matter concentrations.
Buonanno, G., et al., (2012) [20] Italy Prospective cohort 103 children Hand-held UFP counters equipped with GPS Tracking, 2011, 2012. UFP Most of the children exposure take place at home during cooking/eating time at home and time spent in traffic jams.
Buonanno, G., et al., (2013) [21] Italy Prospective cohort 103 children Black carbon monitor, hand-held UFP counters equipped with GPS tracking, 2011, 2012. UFP and Black carbon (BC) High levels typically detected in urban traffic microenvironments. Cooking and using transportation were the main daily exposure.
Baumgartner, J., et al., (2014) [22] China Prospective cohort study 280 women Chemical and optical methods UFP, PM2.5, black carbon Blood pressure Black carbon from combustion is more strongly associated with blood pressure than PM mass, and that BC’s health effects may be larger among women living near a highway due to greater exposure to vehicle emissions.
Branco, P., et al., (2014) [23] Portugal Cross-sectional 3 nurseries TSI DustTrak DRX 8534 particle monitor, 2013. PM1, PM2.5, PM10 Indoor sources (re-suspension phenomena due to children’s activities, cleaning, and cooking) were the main contributors to indoor PM concentrations, but poor ventilation of classrooms affected indoor air quality by increasing the PM accumulation.
Beko, G., et al., (2015) [24] Denmark Cross-sectional study 60 non-smoking residents NanoTracer, 2013. UFP The home accounted for 50% of the daily personal exposure. Indoor areas other than home or vehicles contributed 40%. The highest median UFP concentration was obtained during passive transport (vehicles).
Cortez-Lugo, M., et al., (2008) [25] USA Prospective cohort 38 asthma children and COPD adults MiniVol sampler, personal pumps, 2000 PM2.5 and PM10 Effects of PM exposure to lung function in asthma and COPD Consistent decrements in MMEF in children with asthma who were not receiving medications.
Cortez-Lugo, M., et al., (2015) [26] Mexico Prospective cohort 29 adults with COPD Personal pumps, 2000. PM2.5 Lung function and respiratory symptoms Exposure to PM2.5 was associated with reductions in peak expiratory flow (PEF) and increased respiratory symptoms in adults with COPD.
Cipolla, M., et al., (2016) [27] Italy Prospective cohort 74 students Perkin Elmer Italia S.p.A, 2006. VOCs Rates of school absenteeism The VOC levels were significantly higher in the industrial areas causing absence from school due to sore throat, cough, and cold. O-Xylene is associated with respiratory symptoms.
Cleary, E., et al., (2017) [28] USA Cross-sectional 2 cities E Q-Trak Indoor Air Quality Monitor, Formaldehyde Multimode Monitor, e P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter, 2017. VOCs, PM, CO Asthma symptoms Average CO concentrations were high, which is potentially associated with increased asthma symptoms.
Cheung, P. K., et al., (2019) [29] Hong Kong Prospective cohort Seven subdivided units Portable Aeroqual monitors, 2018. CO, CO2, PM10, PM2.5 and VOC. Mean PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations during cooking were higher than the pre-cooking levels but cooking did not increase CO, CO2, and VOC concentrations.
Cunha-Lopes, I., et al., (2019) [30] Portugal Prospective cohort 9 children SKC five-stage Sioutas Cascade Impactor, 2018. PM1, BC, UFP High peak BC levels in underground parking lots, during charcoal grills, and candles were burning.
Curto, A., et al., (2019) [31] Mozambique Prospective cohort 202 women A high-volume sampler, 2014, 2015 UFP and Black carbon Main determinants of mean and peak personal exposure to BC were lighting source, kitchen type, ambient EC levels, and temperature.
Delfino, R. J., et al., (2006) [32] USA Prospective cohort 48 asthmatic children Personal PM2.5 monitor, Harvard impactor. 2003,2004. PM2.5, NO2, Elemental carbon The strongest positive associations were between FENO and 2-day average pollutant concentrations. Strong associations were found for ambient elemental carbon and weak associations for ambient NO2.
Diapouli, E., et al., (2007) [33] Greece Cross-sectional 7 primary schools Portable Condensation Particle Counter, cold period of 2003, 2004 UFP The highest mean indoor concentrations were found in a small carpet-covered library and a teachers’ office. The highest outdoor concentrations were affected by heavy traffic. Indoor-to-outdoor concentration (I/O) ratios were below 1.
Diapouli, E., et al., (2008) [34] Greece Cross-sectional 7 primary schools Harvard PEMs, 2003, 2004 UFP, PM2.5, PM10 Very high I/O ratios were observed when intense activities took place.
Fang, L., et al., (2019) [35] China A double-blind, randomized crossover trial 20 asthma patients Low-cost pump packages. 2017. VOCs Levels of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and toluene were highest in the bedrooms. Air cleaners in houses lead to significant reductions in VOC concentrations indoors, but the associated health risks are still of concern.
Faria, T., et al., (2020) [36] Portugal Prospective cohort 5 schools, 40 homes, and 4 transportation modes. Medium volume samplers, light scattering laser photometer. 2017, 2018. UFP, PM2.5, PM10 Health effects due to developing immune, respiratory, central nervous, digestive and reproductive systems Indoor environment is the main contributors to personal exposure to PM.
Gokhale, S., et al., (2008) [37] Germany Prospective cohort 7 adults Organic vapour monitor, 2005 VOCs The largest contribution of VOCs to the personal exposure is from homes, followed by outdoors, and the offices.
Goyal, R. and M. Khare (2009) [38] India Prospective cohort A three–storied naturally ventilated school Environmental dust monitor, IAQ monitor, 2006,2007 PM1, PM10, PM2.5 PM concentrations in classroom exceeds the permissible limits and indoor/outdoor levels for all sizes of particulates are greater than 1 and influence of ventilation rate and of traffic was found.
Guo, H., et al., (2010) [39] Australia Cross-sectional A primary school Two scanning mobility particle sizers, 2006 UFP, PM2.5 Early morning and late afternoon peaks of number of particles and PM2.5 were observed at traffic rush hours and the temporal variations of those related to human activities such as cigarette smoking and the operation of a mower. The indoor air pollution is affected by the outdoor and influenced by indoor sources, such as cooking, cleaning, and floor polishing activities as well.
Gao, Y., et al., (2014) [40] China 1:1 matched case control study 105 children with acute leukemia Diffusive sampler, 2008–2011 VOCs, NO2 Association between indoor air pollutants and childhood acute leukemia High concentrations of NO2 and almost half of VOCs were associated with the increased risk of childhood AL.
Garcia-Hernandez, C., et al., (2019) [41] Systemic review UFP The levels of UFP were correlated with heavy traffic or cooking and cleaning activities.
Habil, M. and A. Taneja (2011) [42] India Cross-sectional 4 schools Grimm aerosol dust Monitor, 2007, 2008 PM1, PM10, PM2.5 The average indoor/outdoor ratios were >1 and there was poor correlation.
Hoang, T., et al., (2017) [43] USA Cross-sectional 34 early childhood education environments Q- TRAK™ IAQ Monitors, SKC AirChek 2000 pumps, VOC sampler, 2010, 2011. VOCs VOCs found in cleaning and personal care products had the highest indoor concentrations.
Jansen, K. L., et al., (2005) [44] USA Prospective cohort 16 asthma or COPD patients PM2.5 and PM10 Harvard Impactor, Marple Personal
Environmental Monitors for PM10, 2002, 2003
PM2.5, PM10 FeNO, spirometry, exhaled breath condensate, pulse oximetry, heart rate, blood pressure, symptom, and medication use An increase in outdoor, indoor, and personal black carbon was associated with increases in FENO but no significant association was found in spirometry, blood pressure, pulse rate, or SaO2.
Jeong, H. and D. Park (2017) [45] Korea Prospective cohort 44 children Micro-aethalometer, 2015, 2016. UFP and Black carbon Diesel vehicles, subway, cooking, and smoking increase BC exposure.
Jeong, H. and D. Park (2018) [46] Korea Prospective cohort 40 children Microaethalometer AE-51, 2015, 2016 black carbon Transportation and cooking led to frequent peak levels.
Kearney, J., et al., (2011) [47] Canada Prospective cohort 45 homes of non-smoking adults and 49 homes of asthmatic children Portable condensation particle counter, 2005,2006 UFP . Outdoor levels generally exceeded indoor levels, but indoor concentrations were higher around 5–7 pm, suggesting a strong influence of cooking. Large indoor peaks and low infiltration of ambient PM resulted in the indoor sources contributing more than infiltrated UFP.
Kalimeri, K. K., et al., (2016) [48] Greece Prospective cohort 3 public primary school Radiello passive samplers, Gammadata RAPIDOS samplers, 2011, 2012 VOCs, NO2, Ozone Possible health risks at school as measured by lifetime cancer risk Emissions from building materials have a significant contribution to the indoor air quality. The estimated average lifetime cancer risks for benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene were very low.
Liu, Y. W., et al., (2020) [49] China Prospective cohort 13 children Personal sampling pump, 2018, 2019 UFP, PAHs Lifetime cancer risk Coal combustion and gasoline were main sources during heating and non-heating seasons. There was significant increase in PAHs and the incremental lifetime cancer risk in the heating season.
Massolo, L., et al., (2010) [50] Argentina Prospective cohort 93 school and houses, 33 outdoor areas Passive 3 M monitor, 2000–2002 VOCs Most VOCs predominantly originated indoors in urban, semirural, and residential areas, whereas an important outdoor influence in the industrial area was observed.
Mainka, A. and B. Kozielska (2016) [51] Poland Prospective cohort 48 children Perkin Elmer stainless steel tube samplers. 2013, 2014. VOCs (BTEX) The health risk as measured by cancer risk Elevated levels of o-xylene and ethylbenzene were found in all monitored classrooms during the winter season. Outdoor concentrations were lower than indoors. Chronic health effects associated with carcinogenic benzene or non-carcinogenic BTEX were high.
Mazaheri, M., et al., (2014) [52] Australia Cross-sectional 137 children Philips Aerasense Nanotracers
(NTs), 2010–2012
UFP Outdoor activities, eating/cooking at home, and commuting were the three activities causing the highest exposure. Children’s exposure during school hours was more strongly influenced by urban background particles than traffic near the school.
Mazaheri, M., et al., (2019) [53] China Prospective cohort 24 children Philips Aerasense NanoTracers, 2016. UFP Indoor exposure was significantly higher than outdoor exposure which was due to smoking and the use of mosquito repellent.
Martins, V., et al., (2020) [54] Portugal Cross sectional study 4 homes and 4 schools Personal
Cascade Impactor Sampler. 2017–2018.
UFP PM chemical composition depended on transport mode. Fe was the component of metro PM, derived from abrasion of rail -wheel -brake interfaces. Zn and Cu in cars and buses PM were related with brake and tyre wear particles.
Martins, V., et al., (2021) [55] Portugal Cross sectional study Assigned bicycle, bus, car and metro route in Lisbon Personal environmental monitor. 2018 UFP Black carbon concentrations when travelling by car was higher than in the other transport modes due to the closer proximity to exhaust emissions. Personal exposure to PM2.5 is higher in cycling than car due to higher inhalation rate and longer journey time.
Phillips, M. L., et al., (2005) [56] USA Prospective cohort 39 participants Personal
sampling pump
VOCs Personal and indoor concentrations were higher than outdoor concentrations, indicating that indoor exposures were dominated by indoor sources.
Paunescu, A. C., et al., (2017) [57] Paris Prospective cohort 96 children MicroAeth®AE51, DiSCmini®, 2014, 2015. UFP and Black carbon BC exposure was high during trips (principally metro/train and bus), while UFP exposure was high during indoor activities (mainly eating at restaurants).
Pacitto, A., et al., (2020) [58] Italy Prospective cohort 60 children Handheld diffusion charger particle counter, 2018–2019 UFP Non-school indoor environment causes most children’s exposure.
Raaschou-Nielsen, O., et al., (1997) [59] Denmark Cross-sectional 98 children Diffusive VOC samplers, 1995 VOCs The front-door concentrations were significantly higher in Copenhagen than in rural areas, but the personal exposures were only slightly higher.
Rojas-Bracho, L., et al., (2000) [60] USA Prospective Cohort 18 COPD patients Modified PM2.5 and PM10 personal exposure monitor and a single personal pump, 1996, 1997 PM2.5, PM10 The strength of the personal-outdoor association for PM2.5, was strongly related to that for indoor and outdoor levels.
Rojas-Bracho, L., et al., (2004) [61] USA Prospective cohort 18 COPD patients Modified personal exposure monitor, 1996, 1997 PM2.5, PM10 The relationship between personal PM2.5 exposures and the corresponding ambient concentrations was influenced by home air exchange rates.
Rufo, J. C., et al., (2015) [62] Portugal Cross-sectional 10 public primary schools Portable condensation particle counters, 2014 UFP The average indoor UFP number concentrations were not significantly different from outdoor concentrations. The levels of carbon dioxide were negatively correlated with indoor UFP concentrations. Occupational density was significantly and positively correlated with UFP concentrations.
Shendell, D. G., et al., (2004) [63] USA Prospective cohort 7 schools Organic vapour monitor and DNSH passive aldehydes and ketone sampler, 2001 VOCs The main sources of aldehydes in classrooms were likely interior finish materials and furnishings made of particleboard without lamination. The four most common VOCs measured were toluene, m-/p-xylene, alpha-pinene, and delta-limonene.
Sexton, K., et al., (2005) [64] USA Prospective cohort 150 children Passive sampler, bloods, and urine sample, 2000, 2001 VOCs There were strong statistical associations between measured blood VOC concentrations in siblings in the same household.
Sohn, H. and K. Lee (2010) [65] Korea Prospective cohort 2 vehicles Portable aerosol spectrometers UFP, PM2.5 A single cigarette being smoked could exceed the US EPA NAAQS of PM under realistic window opening conditions.
Soppa, V. J., et al., (2014) [66] Germany randomized cross-over controlled exposure study 55 healthy volunteers Fast Mobility Particle Sizer, Aerodynamic Particle Sizer, Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor PM1, PM10, PM2.5 Respiratory health as measured by lung function High levels of indoor fine particles from certain sources may be associated with small decreases in lung function in healthy adults.
Slezakova, K., et al., (2019) [67] Portugal Cross-sectional 20 public primary schools Portable condensation particle counters. 2014, 2015. UFP Outdoor emissions contributed to indoor UFP. Canteens had the highest UFP levels. Cooking on school grounds caused elevated UFP in the classrooms. Lowest UFP were found in libraries mostly due to the limited occupancies.
Trenga, C. A., et al., (2006) [68] USA Prospective cohort 57 elderly, 17 children Harvard impactor, personal monitor. 1999–2001. PM2.5, PM10 Lung function changes to daily indoor, outdoor, and personal PM Maximal midexpiratory flow (MMEF) was decreased in children with asthma who were not receiving medications. The effects were observed even though PM exposures were low for an urban area.
Tran, T. D., et al., (2020) [69] Vietnam Cross-sectional 10 nursery schools Adjustable mini air
Samplers, 2017, 2018
BTEX Health risk as measured by life-time cancer risk Outdoor BTEX originated from the common sources, which consisted mainly of automobile traffic. Indoor and outdoor concentrations of BTEX influenced lifetime cancer risk.
Vu, D. C., et al., (2019) [70] USA Cross-sectional Children from four facilities of Head
Start programs
Air pump. 2014. VOCs Human health risks
associated with the targeted VOCs as measured by cancer risk
Sources of VOCs included vehicle-related emission, solvent-related emission, building materials, personal care products and household products. Potential carcinogenic compounds were benzene, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene.
Vardoulakis, S., et al., (2020) [6] Systemic review VOC, PM2.5, NO2. Household characteristics and occupant activities are essential in indoor exposure, especially cigarette smoking for PM2.5, gas appliances for NO2, and household products for VOCs and PAHs. Home location near high-traffic-density roads, redecoration, and small house size contribute to high indoor air pollution. High indoor particulate matter, NO2 and VOC levels were associated with respiratory symptoms, particularly asthma symptoms in children.
Weisel, C. P., et al., (2005) [71] USA Prospective cohort 100 non-smoking adult and children Organic vapour monitor, personal environmental
VOCs The range of distribution for the VOCs, carbonyls, PM2.5, and air exchange rates, are consistent with values reported previously in the literature.
Weichenthal, S., et al., (2008) [72] Review Passive sampler VOCs, UFP, NO2 Relationship between indoor nitrogen dioxide or VOC exposure and childhood asthma or related symptoms VOC exposure have been more consistent in demonstrating a significant relationship with asthma or related symptoms.
Wangchuk, T., et al., (2015) [73] Bhutan Cross-sectional 82 children Philips Aerasense NanoTracers, 2013. UFP, VOCs, NO2 The highest UFP exposure resulted from cooking/eating, contributing to 64% of the daily exposure, resulting from firewood combustion in houses using traditional mud cookstoves.
Xia, X., et al., (2020) [74] Hong Kong Prospective cohort 20 COPD patients and 20 healthy participants MicroPEM™ sensor. 2017–2018. PM2.5 Effects on oxygen saturations in COPD and healthy participants Short-term exposure to PM2.5 results in acute declines of SpO2 in 0–3 h, and then became insignificant at 0–12 h.
Yang, F. H., et al., (2019) [75] Hong Kong Prospective cohort 73 urban residents Personal exposure kit. 2015–2016. UFP, PM2.5, PM10 PM2.5 concentrations were lowest in office, whereas highest in outdoor activities.
Zhu, Y. F., et al., (2005) [76] USA Prospective cohort 4 two-bedroom apartments Scanning mobility particle sizer, common switching manifold, 2003, 2004 UFP Indoor to outdoor ratios for ultrafine particle number concentrations depended strongly on particle size and indoor ventilation mechanisms.
Zamora, M. L., et al., (2018) [77] USA Prospective cohort 17 pregnant women Personal Environmental Monitor, 2015 PM2.5, black carbon, and nicotine Cooking activities contributed significantly to the total PM2.5.
Zhang, L. J., et al., (2018) [78] China Prospective cohort 57 children TSI DUST TRAKTM DRX sampler, real-time laser diode photometers, 2013. PM2.5 Children personal exposure was mainly associated with ambient air conditions, height of the classroom, and transportation mode to school.
Zhou, Y., et al., (2020) [79] China Prospective cohort 26 students Portable
MicroAeth BC Monitor, Miniature Diffusion Size Classifier. 2016.
UFP and Black carbon Average level of BC was higher in outdoor than the household and transport. Average level of UFP was higher in indoor than transport.
Zhou, H. C., et al., (2020) [80] China Prospective cohort 67 non-smoking healthy retirees Micro-aethalometer AE51. 2018, 2019. UFP and Black carbon Ambient BC concentration, ambient temperature, humidity, education level and air purifier significantly impact personal BC exposure.
Zusman, M., et al., (2020) [81] USA Prospective cohort 2982 healthy smokers and non-smokers, COPD patients. Ogawa passive samplers, Harvard Personal Environmental Monitor. 2014–2016. PM2.5, NO2, NOx Models using socioeconomic, meteorological, behavioral, residential, and ambient-pollutant concentration data obtained from questionnaires, direct observations, and measurements can facilitate exposure characterization of research cohorts with much less effort and expense than the monitoring of all participants.