Table 1.
Cephalometric points considered in the study.
Sella | S | Midpoint of the sella turcica |
Nasion | N | Most anterior point of the frontonasal suture |
Point A | A | Deepest anterior point on the maxilla anterior concavity |
Point B | B | Deepest anterior point on the mandibular symphysis |
Porion | Po | Most superior point on the external auditory meatus |
Pogonion | Pg | Most anterior point on the mandibular symphysis |
Pterion | Pt | Most posterior superior point on the pterygomaxillary fissure |
Orbitale | Or | Most inferior point on the lower border of the bony orbit |
Basion | Ba | Most anterior-inferior point on the foramen magnum |
Articulare | Ar | Most posterior point on the condylar neck |
Gonion | Go | Point of intersection between the mandibular plane and the tangent line to the posterior mandibular border |
Menton | Me | Most inferior point on the mandibular symphysis |
Anterior nasal spine | ANS | Most anterior point of the hard palate |
Posterior nasal spine | PNS | Most posterior point of the hard palate |
Condilo | Co | Most superior point on the condylar head |
Sigmoid incision | Sg | Deepest point on the sigmoid incision |
Anterior occlusal point | OCLA | Midpoint of the segment joining the upper incisal point to the lower one |
Posterior occlusal point | OCLP | Midpoint of the occlusal surface of the first permanent molars |
Hyoid | H | Most anterior-superior point on the hyoid bone |
Upper posterior airway space | SPAS | Thickness of the airway behind the soft palate along a line parallel to the Go-point B plane |
Posterior airway space | PAS: | Linear distance between a point at the base of the tongue and another point on the posterior wall of the pharynx, both measured by the extension of a line from point B to point Go |
Mandibular plane | MP | Plane tangent to the lower edge of the mandible passing through Go and Me |
Cervical vertebra | C3 | Most anteroinferior point of the third cervical vertebra |
Uvula apex | P | Inferior tip of the uvula |