Distributions of (A) bread sugars (fructose, glucose, maltose, mannose, raffinose, arabinose, and xylose) and polyols (mannitol, glycerol, and meso-erythritol) contents (g per kg of bread) according to the leavening agent and (B) bread organic acids (acetate, glutarate, lactate, malate, pyruvate, and succinate) and ethanol contents (g per kg of bread) according to the 8 leavening agents (sourdoughs CRA, EDI, and STE, mixed sourdough/yeast CRA*HIR and STE*HIR, and commercial yeasts Bioreal, HIR, and Inst). (“CRA”, “EDI”, and “STE” refer, respectively, to the bakers Collectif Cravirolla, Edith Brissiaud, and Stéphane, and “HIR”, “Bioreal”, and “Inst” refer, respectively, to the three commercial yeasts Hirondelle fresh yeast—Lesaffre, Bioreal organic fresh yeast—Europ-Labo, and Saf-instant instant yeast—Lesaffre,).