Proportions (out of total protein content—Kjeldahl) of protein fractions (SDS_soluble proteins, DTE-extracted and non-extracted proteins) and in vitro digestibility (Non_digested) of the three sourdough breads (CRA, EDI, STE), the two mixed breads (CRA*HIR, STE*HIR), and the three yeast breads (Bioreal, HIR, Inst). (“CRA”, “EDI”, and “STE” refer, respectively, to the bakers Collectif Cravirolla, Edith Brissiaud, and Stéphane Marrou, and “HIR”, “Bioreal”, and “Inst” refer, respectively, to the three commercial yeasts Hirondelle fresh yeast—Lesaffre, Bioreal organic fresh yeast—Europ-Labo, and Saf-instant instant yeast—Lesaffre). Different letters on top of bars indicate significantly different means.