Molecular mimicry with autoimmune potential across SARS-CoV-2 Spike. (a) Overview of molecular mimics (solid arrow: 3D-mimic, dashed arrow: AF-3D-mimic) for Spike in the linear sequence showing Spike domains (NTD: N-terminus domain of S1 subunit (green), RBD: receptor binding domain of S1 subunit (orange), CTD: C-terminus domain of S1 subunit (cyan), S2: S2 domain (purple)) as predicted by Pfam [51] based on the NCBI reference sequence (YP:009724390.1). The boundary between the S1 and S2 subunits is indicated at S1/S2. (b) Surface representation of Spike (PDB id: 6XR8 [23]) colored by subunit (pink, beige, light blue) with residues colored by number of occurrences in a molecular mimic (blue: 1, green: 2, purple: 3, orange: 4 or more). Structural visualization generated with PyMOL 2.5.0 [30]. (c) The number of occurrences of the sequence motif in human RefSeq Select isoforms arranged in order from the N-terminus to the C-terminus and colored by predominant secondary structure element (magenta: α-helix, yellow: β-sheet, blue: coil) based on Spike PDB id 6XR8 chain A.