Figure 4.
Final culture density (OD600) of selected Lactobacillus strains (L. buchueri (LB 5); L. bulgaricus (LB 11); L. casei ATCC 4646 (LC 1); L. casei B1255 (LC 1255); L. delbreuckii B735 (LD 735); L. fermentum B1925 (LF 1925); L. paraplantarum B23115 (LP 31 23115); L. plantarum B4496 (LP 4496); L. rhamnosus BLCR1 (LR LCR1); L. reuteri 1428 (LR 1428); L. plantarum ATCC BAA 793 (LP BAA 793)) and Bifidobacterium strains (B. breve 2141; B. longum subsp. infantis 3300) following growth in mMRS supplemented with 1% cranberry A6 A for 24 h at 32°. Results are the means from two independent experiments ± SD.