(A). ELISA results demonstrating reactivity of three primary hybridoma supernatants against zebrafish CYP1A peptide used for immunizations. (B). ELISA results demonstrating that only mAb CRC4 recognizes a conserved peptide sequence common to all vertebrates. (C). ELISA results demonstrating that the conserved CYP1A sequence blocks the binding of mAb CRC4 to ELISA plate-bound peptide used for immunizations. (D). Cross reactivity of mAb CRC4 with induced CYP1A protein in representative vertebrates. MW, molecular weight markers; C (control); T (treated); ZF, zebrafish liver cells; PLHC-1, Poeciliopsis lucida hepatoma cell line; RBT, β-NF induced rainbow trout microsomes; HEPA1C1C7, mouse hepatoma cell line; Rat, liver S9 fractions; frog, XLK-WG cell line; human CYP1A1, recombinant CYP1A1 expressed in HEK cells. Details are found in Methods and Table 2.