VO2@peak, VO2@AT, VO2kg@peak and VO2kg@AT levels according to (A) quantitative flow ratio (QFR) (QFR ≤ 0.8 and QFR > 0.8); (B) the number of stenotic coronary arteries (SCA) (0, 1–2 and 3–4) and (C) Gensini scores (grouped by quartile). The four groups of males were group 1 (Gensini score ≤ 6.0), group 2 (6.0 < Gensini score ≤ 12.5), group 3 (12.5 < Gensini score ≤ 27.5) and group 4 (Gensini score > 27.5), respectively. The four groups of females were group 1 (Gensini score ≤ 3.0), group 2 (3.0 < Gensini score ≤ 7.5), group 3 (7.5 < Gensini score ≤ 14.5) and group 4 (Gensini score > 14.5), respectively. Post-hoc was performed between any two groups for SCA and the Gensini score, while only the significances for the first group were exhibited in the figures. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. VO2@peak—peak oxygen uptake; VO2@AT—oxygen uptake at anaerobic threshold; VO2kg@peak—peak kilogram oxygen uptake; VO2kg@AT—kilogram oxygen uptake at anaerobic threshold.