Proliferation response of HPV+ CU-OP-2, CU-OP-3, CU-OP-20, and HPV− CU-OP-17 cell lines upon treatment with PD-0332991, BYL719 or JNJ-42756493, BMN-673, and MK-1775. Proliferation responses of HPV+ CU-OP-2, CU-OP-3, CU-OP-20, and HPV− CU-OP-17 after treatment with CDK4/6 inhibitor PD-0332991 (A–D), PI3K inhibitor BYL719 (E–H), FGFR inhibitor JNJ-42756493 (I–L), PARP inhibitor BMN-673 (M–P) and WEE1 inhibitor MK-1775 (Q–T). The graphs represent one experimental run per cell line. Confluence (%) denotes proliferation response; BYL denotes BYL719; JNJ denotes JNJ-4275649 and PD denotes PD-0332991; BMN denotes BMN-673; MK denotes MK-1775.