Fig. 1.
Associations of changes in physical activity or leisure screen time before and during COVID-19 pandemic with psychological conditions (n = 2423). PA: Physical activity; LST: Leisure screen time. Data are shown as odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) of each psychological problem in the second survey calculated using logistic regression. Model 1Adjusted for student’s age, gender, grade, and psychological problem in the first survey of each outcome (e.g., for analysis of depression, depression level in the first survey was adjusted for, but anxiety and stress were not). Model 2 Further adjusted for paternal education, maternal education, and family income. Model 3 Mutually adjusted for physical activity (active or inactive) and leisure screen time (shorter or longer). Children with missing or invalid data of age were excluded in model 1 (n = 11). Children with missing or invalid data of parental education or income were further excluded in models 2 and 3 (n = 121)