Tumor-specific CD4 T cells have antitumor effector properties beyond helping CD8 T cells. A, Experimental timeline, above, and survival graph below. Wild-type female mice were immunized with male splenocytes. Ten days later, mice were depleted of either CD4 or CD8 T cells (circles and triangles, respectively), or were not depleted (dotted line). Five days after depletion, all mice received H-Y–expressing MB49 tumor cells. Depleting antibodies were given during the length of the experiment. Wild-type (B) or RAG.KO (C) female mice received MB49 tumor. One day later, mice in each group either received Marilyn CD4 T cells (continuous line) or were left untreated (discontinuous line). Mice survival was followed until all remaining mice were tumor free. All the experiments were done at least two times.***, P < 0.001 using log-rank test.