June–August (JJA) precipitation‐evaporation (P‐E) multi‐model ensemble mean (MME) climatology absolutes for the 1x, 2x, 3x, and 6x CO2 experiments, using both samples: (a) lower‐level sample of CO2 experiments (comprising the four models that conducted these: GFDL_CM2.1, HadCM3B_M2.1aN, HadCM3BL_M2.1aN, and MIROC4m), PI (top row) and early Eocene (bottom row); (b) higher‐level sample of CO2 experiments (comprising the two models that conducted these: CESM1.2_CAM5 and GFDL_CM2.1), PI (top row) and early Eocene (bottom row). Note that the PI panels are identical in each sample because they contain the same models, but are simply replicated here for ease of comparison.