Serotonin and neural networks involved in social influence. Brain regions implicated during behavior change are strongly linked to the brain's reward‐and value system to guide behavior toward adaptive advantages and linked to the process of value‐based decision‐making. 5‐HT has a regulatory function on value‐based decision‐making through modulating the process of information integration via its effect on the mPFC. 5‐HT signals from the RN to frontal cortical areas are suggested to encode subjectivity in valuation signals and modulate the process of assigning value dependent on self‐relevance via its effect on the vmPFC. The 5‐HT system is therefore involved in the updating of value and the forming of representations from new information for future actions. dACC; dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex, vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, PCC; posterior cingulate cortex, RN; raphe nuclei, VS; ventral striatum