Fig. 2.
Diversity of the different extant Radiolaria orders.
A–B. Acantharia: Lithoptera fenestra and Amphilonche elongata.
C–D. Taxopodida: Sticholonche zanclea (C: live specimen; D: scanning electron microscopy image).
E–F. Polycystine ‐ Spumellaria: Diplosphaera spinosa and Euchitonia elegans.
G–H. Polycystine ‐ Nassellaria: Pteroscenium sp. and Plectaniscus sp.
I–J. Polycystine ‐ Orodaria: Oroscena regalis and Cytocladus tricladus.
K–L. Polycystine ‐ Collodaria: colonial (Collozoum sp.) and solitary (Thalassicolla nucleata) specimens. All scale bars are 50 μm. Images A–B and E–H courtesy of John Dolan (CNRS). Images C‐D courtesy of Karine Leblanc (CNRS). Monographs I–J from Haecker (1908). Many more images of Radiolaria and plankton can be found online at Aquaparadox and MIO Plankton images.