Analysis of clinical disease activity index score levels and remission rates at baseline and 6 months after the switch from IV to SC vedolizumab treatment. (A) Patient‐based HBI and PRO2‐CD scores for CD patients presented as median values with IQR. (B) Proportions of CD patients in remission as defined by a patient‐based HBI ≤4 or PRO2‐CD ≤11. (C) SCCAI and PRO2‐UC scores for UC patients presented as median values with IQR. (D) Proportions of UC patients in remission as defined by an SCCAI ≤2 or PRO2‐UC = 0. Abbreviations: CD, Crohn’s disease; IQR, interquartile range; IV, intravenous; M, months; pHBI, patient‐based Harvey Bradshaw index; PRO2‐CD, Crohn’s Disease Activity Index‐based patient‐reported outcomes‐2; PRO2‐UC, Mayo‐based patient‐reported outcomes‐2; SC, subcutaneous; SCCAI, simple clinical colitis activity index; UC, ulcerative colitis. *p < 0.05