Figure 4.
Expression and phosphorylation of metabolic enzymes in replicative senescent endothelial cells.HUVEC of passage 1 (P1, young) and passage 20–25 (P20–25, senescent) were subjected to western blot analysis of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases isoforms 1–4 (PDHK1–4), pyruvate dehydrogenase, subunit E1α (PDHE1α), phosphorylated PDHE1α (at Ser293) and lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA). (A–F) Upper panels: Representative western blots of the enzymes PDHK1, PDHK2, PDHK3, PDHK4, phosphorylated and total PDHE1α and LDHA. Lower panels: Densitometric quantification of the respective western blots after normalization to vinculin (A–D,F) or PDHE1α (E) (n = 4–6, * p < 0.05, LDHA: Mann–Whitney-Test; all other comparisons: unpaired Student’s t-test). All data represent mean + SD.