Arabinogalactan proteins detected in the A. vesiculosa trap. (A) Arabinogalactan proteins (labeled with JIM8) detected in the gland; secretory cell (star), stalk cell (Sc), basal cell (Bc), bar 10 µm. (B) Arabinogalactan proteins (labeled with JIM8) detected in the gland, paradermal section; secretory cell (star), stalk cell (Sc), bar 10 µm. (C) Immunogold labeling of wall ingrowths with JIM8 in the gland cell; wall ingrowths (wi), cell wall (cw); bar 400 nm. (D) Arabinogalactan proteins (labeled with JIM13) detected in the gland; secretory cell (star), stalk cell (Sc), basal cell (Bc), bar 10 µm. (E) Arabinogalactan proteins (labeled with JIM13) detected in the gland, paradermal section; secretory cell (star), stalk cell (Sc), bar 10 µm. (F–H) Immunogold labeling of wall ingrowths with JIM13 in the glandular cells; wall ingrowths (wi), cell wall (cw), bar 200 nm. (I) Immunogold labeling of wall ingrowths with JIM13 in the basal cell (Bc); wall ingrowths (wi), cell wall (cw); bar 200 nm. (J) Arabinogalactan proteins (labeled with JIM14) detected in the gland; secretory cell (star), stalk cell (Sc), basal cell (Bc), bar 10 µm. (K) Arabinogalactan proteins (labeled with JIM14) detected in the gland, transverse section; bar 10 µm. (L) Immunogold labeling of wall ingrowths with JIM14 in the gland cell; wall ingrowths (wi), cell wall (cw); bar 200 nm.