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. 2022 Jul 1;12(7):1610. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12071610

Table 1.

This table lists some of the miRNAs that have been frequently dysregulated in human lung cancer subjects and were further analyzed for their diagnostic and prognostic potential. The direct targets of these miRNAs are identified experimentally in NSCLC cell lines and animal models. (↑) indicates upregulation while as (↓) indicates downregulation. The number of arrows indicates number of studies in the respective human specimen.

miRNA Relative Expression Level in Lung Cancer Clinical Association Experimental Models Experimentally Validated Targets Effect on Lung Carcinogenesis References
miR-146a Serum (↓↓), serum (↑↑), tissue (↓) Dual Xenograft mouse models, cell lines COX-2, CCJN, FLAP, IRAK1, TRAF6 Suppression [45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52]
miR-21 Serum (↑↑↑↑) tissue (↑↑↑) chemoresistance and poor prognosis Xenograft mouse models, cell lines, RECK, NFIB, TIMP3, TPM1, STAT3, Spry1, Spry2, Btg2, and Pdcd4 Enhancement [53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63]
miR-34a/b/c Tissue (↓), whole blood (↑) poor prognosis and relapse Syngenic mouse model, transgenic mouse model, murine cell lines Cdh2, Kras, Fn1 SNAIL, Suppression [64,65,66,67,68]
miR-365 Serum (↓↓) poor prognosis Knock out, malignant cell lines CDC25, NKX2-1, TRIM25 Suppression [69,70,71,72]
miR-486-5p Serum (↓), tissue (↓↓), endobronchial mucosa (↓), poor overall survival and chemoresistance Xenograft mouse model, Knock out, cell lines ARHGAP5 (RhoA GTPase), mTOR, Pten Dual [73,74,75,76]
miR-361 tissue (↓), serum (↓ poor prognosis and clinical outcome cell lines, xenograft mouse model SH2B1, FOXM1 Suppression [77,78,79,80]
miR-615-3p Tissue (↓), tissue (↑↑), Differential diagnosis cell lines, xenograft mouse model IGF2 Suppression [81,82,83]
miR-200 family Tissue (↑, ↑) Dual Xenograft mouse model, Knock out, cell lines ZEB1, ZEB2, VEGF, VEGFR1 PRDX2, GAPB/Nrf2, and SESN1, Suppression [84,85,86,87,88]
miR-221 Tissue (↑↑), serum (↑↑), serum (↓), plasma (↑↑) Diagnosis, poor prognosis, and relapse Xenograft mouse model, Knock out, cell lines P27kip1, TIMP3, PUMA, PTEN, MDM2, Enhancement [89,90,91,92,93]
Let-7a/b tissue(↓↓), FFPE tissue (↓↓) Poor survival rate and clinical outcome Transgenic mouse, Knock out, malignant cell lines KRAS, c-MYC, CDK6, HOXA9, TGFBR1, BCL-XL, MAP4K3 Suppression [21,94,95,96,97,98]
Let-7e Tissue (↓), FFPE tissue (↓↓↓) Poor survival rate and clinical outcome Transgenic mouse, malignant cell lines SUV39H2 Suppression [21,99,100,101]
miR-17-5p Tissue (↓), tissue (↑), serum (↑), plasma (↓) Dual Transgenic mouse BECN1, TBC1D2 Enhancement [102,103,104,105]
miR-19a/b Serum (↑↑), tissue (↑) Poor prognosis cell lines, xenograft mouse model c-MET, PP2A, BIM, E-cadherin, ZO-1, α-catenin, TNF-α Enhancement [90,106,107,108,109]
miR-18a Plasma (↑↑), Poor prognosis and radio resistance cell lines IRF2, ATM, HIF1-α Enhancement [102,110,111,112]
miR-661 Tissue (↑↑), Serum (↑) Differential diagnosis and poor prognosis cell lines SOX7, RB1, RUNX3 Enhancement [113,114,115,116]
miR-26a-5p FFPE tissue (↑) Differential diagnosis Cell lines, Integrin-β8, FAF1 Enhancement [117,118]
miR-128-3p Tissue (↑), tissue (↓) Differential diagnosis, Cell lines, xenograft mouse SMURF2, cpp1, AXIN1, W1F1, SRFP2, DROSHA, DICER Enhancement [76,119]
miR-378 Tissue (↑↑) Diagnosis and chemoresistance Cell lines, xenograft mouse RBX1, FOXG1, RBX1, clustin Enhancement [120,121,122,123]
miR-93 Tissue (↑↑↑)
Serum (↑)
Diagnosis, Poor overall survival Cell lines, xenograft mouse LKB1, TBP2, DAB2 Enhancement [124,125,126,127]
miR-135b Serum (not significant), tissue (↑) Diagnosis, EGFR mutations, invasion of visceral pleura Cell lines, xenograft mouse LZTS1, LATS1, MOB-1A, Dbf2, βTrCP Enhancement [128,129,130]
miR-16 Plasma (↑↑)
Tissue (↓)
Lung cancer subtype diagnosis, poor prognosis Cell lines, xenograft mouse, transgenic mice TWIST1, MEK1, HDGF, VEGF, Suppression [131,132,133,134,135,136]
miR-15a Serum (↓), Tissue (↓↓↓) Diagnosis, poor clinical outcome Cell lines, xenograft mouse ACSS2, PDL1, FGFR1, DDX3X, SLC1A5 Smad3, FXR1, BCL2L2 Suppression [137,138,139,140]
miR-7 Tissue (↓) Shorter survival and chemoresistance SCLC cell lines KIR2.1, ABCC1, PARP1 Suppression [141,142,143]
miR-22 Serum (↑), tissue (↓↓ Differential diagnosis, cell lines, Murine xenograft mouse MET-STAT3, ErbB3 Suppression [144,145,146]