Classification of invasive cSCC in common primary cSCC (high-risk or low-risk) and advanced cSCC, according to the European guidelines (reproduced with permission from [2]; published by the European Journal of Cancer, 2020). In addition, it is noted that since the publication of this figure, anti-PD-1 agent pembrolizumab has been approved by US FDA for patients with recurrent or metastatic cSCC that is not curable by surgery or radiation. EGFRi: EGFR inhibitors, RT: radiotherapy; a For detailed indications and recommendations of treatment, refer to relevant section text in the European guidelines; b Locally advanced, by definition not amenable to curative surgery or curative RT; c Lymph node dissection as indicated; d All systemic treatments are off-label, except for anti-PD-1 agent cemiplimab that is approved by FDA/EMA for patients with locally advanced or metastatic cSCC who are not candidates for curative surgery or curative radiation.