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. 2022 Jan 21;93(2):256–264. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003525


Current Indications for Which REBOA Is Used Among the Military Systems and Expert Panel Responses Regarding the Indications and Contraindications for REBOA Use in Military Environments

Current Use of REBOA Among Military Systems Panel Members Confirming (n)
Neck injury 1/21; 4.8%
Junctional injury 15/21; 71.4%
Penetrating thoracic injury 3/21; 14.3%
Blunt thoracic injury 4/21; 19.1%
Penetrating abdominal injury 18/21; 85.7%
Blunt abdominal injury 17/21; 81.0%
Multiple bleeding sites 7/21; 33.3%
Traumatic cardiac arrest 11/21; 52.4%
Other: all necessary injuries/no differentiation specified 2/21; 9.5%
Expert panel consensus Panel members agreeing (n) Consensus reached
Use of REBOA indicated in military environments*
 Junctional groin injury 25/27; 92.6% Yes
 Junctional axillary injury 14/26; 53.9% No
 Pelvic injury 26/27; 96.3% Yes
 Traumatic cardiac arrest 20/27; 74.1% Yes
Use of REBOA not contraindicated in military environments*
 Multiple major bleeding sites 24/27; 88.9% Yes
Use of REBOA contraindicated in military environments
 Solitary major neck injury 23/27; 85.2% Yes
 ≥1 major thoracoabdominal bleeding sites and a major neck injury 16/27; 59.3% No
 ≥1 major bleeding site below the diaphragm and a major neck injury 18/27; 66.7% No
 Blunt thoracic injury 17/27; 63.0% No
 Penetrating chest injury 16/27; 59.3% No

*Among hemodynamic unstable patients and assuming that surgical care will be available within an acceptable timeframe.