HAND1 function is not required for post-natal CCS homeostasis. Snapshots of representative epicardial voltage maps obtained during right atrial pacing (cycle length, 120 ms) in isolated-perfused H1CKO or H1control hearts. Isochrone activation maps during atrial and ventricular pacing (cycle lengths, 120 ms) are also shown for each heart. Number below each snapshot image is time in ms with 0 being the time of first epicardial breakthrough. Color codes for snapshots are in arbitrary units. Please note that membrane depolarization causes a decrease in the dye’s fluorescence intensity. Color codes for the activation maps are in ms. R, right; L, left. (A) Simultaneous and single LV (L) and RV (R) breakthroughs as expected in mature wildtype hearts. (B) Right BBB, left side epicardial breakthrough (L). (C) Multiple RV (R1, R2) and LV breakthroughs (L1–L4). (D) Delayed RV activation, RV epicardial breakthrough at 3 ms.