Constitutive deletion of Lpar5 is associated with growth of enteroids and upregulation of Lpar2 and Lpar3. (A) Enteroids were derived from control Lpar5f/f, mice with inducible deletion of Lpar5 (Lpar5f/f;Rosa-CreERT, Lpar5f/f;Ah-Cre), and mice with constitutive, intestinal-specific deletion of Lpar5 (Lpar5f/f;Villi-Cre). Lpar5f/f;Rosa-CreERT and Lpar5f/f;Ah-Cre were treated with 4OHT or β-NF, respectively, on Day 0 (D0) to delete Lpar5 expression. Images were then taken on D0 and DScale bar = 50 µm. Lpar1-6 mRNA expression levels in Lpar5f/f enteroids (B) and Lpar5f/f;Villi-Cre enteroids (C) were determined and normalized to β-actin mRNA levels. Results representing three independent experiments with quadruplicates for each sample are shown. (D) Lpar1–6 expression levels in Lpar5f/f;Villi-Cre enteroids (KO) were expressed relative to WT enteroids. (E) Lpar1–6 mRNA expression in intestinal mucosal tissues from Lpar5f/f;Villi-Cre (KO) relative to WT mice is shown.