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. 2022 Jun 30;10(7):1229. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10071229

Table A1.

Assessment of the structural model for men.

MEN Path SD T-Value f2 95 CI H Supported
Direct effects VIF
Expenses -> CWT −0.352 0.050 7.032 *** 0.141 [−0.452; −0.287] 1.000
Expenses -> OWT −0.331 0.054 6.141 *** 0.201 [−0.423; −0.246] 1.142
ED -> Satisfaction 0.08 0.12 0.667 ns 0.008 [−0.103; −0.292] 1.14
CWT -> Satisfaction −0.066 0.165 0.399 ns 0.003 [−0.356; 0.190] 1.878
CWT -> OWT 0.537 0.047 11.435 *** 0.528 [0.454; 0.609] 1.142
OWT -> Satisfaction −0.500 0.258 1.937 * 0.199 [−0.693; −0.109] 1.743 H1 Yes
Indirect effects VAF
Individual indirect effects
Expenses -> CWT -> OWT −0.189 0.032 5.823 *** [−0.252; −0.145] 36.34 H2 Yes
Expenses -> CWT -> Satisfaction 0.023 0.065 0.355 ns [−0.076; 0.137] 8.15 H3 No
CWT -> OWT -> Satisfaction −0.268 0.14 1.910 * [−0.406; −0.005] 80.24 H4 Yes
Expenses -> CWT -> OWT-> Satisfaction 0.094 0.058 1.621 ns [−0.020; 0.175] 33.33 H5 No
Expenses -> OWT -> Satisfaction 0.166 0.097 1.707 * [0.048; 0.255] 58.86 H6 Yes
Global indirect effects
Expenses -> Satisfaction 0.282 0.127 2.231 ** [0.231; 0.345] 100.00
Expenses -> OWT −0.189 0.032 5.823 *** [−0.222; −0.132] 36.34
CWT -> Satisfaction −0.268 0.140 1.910 * [−0.406; −0.005] 80.24
Total effect
Expenses -> Satisfaction 0.282 0.127 2.231 ** [0.231; 0.345]
Expenses -> OWT −0.520 0.041 12.611 *** [−0.600; −0.465]
CWT -> Satisfaction −0.334 0.152 2.194 *** [−0.515; −0.041]
OWT -> Satisfaction −0.500 0.258 1.937 * [−0.693; −0.002]

R2 adjusted [95% CI in brackets]: CWT: 0.117 [0.066; 0.244]; OWT: 0.515 [0.661; 0.244]; satisfaction: 0.265 [0.188; 0.408]; standardized path values reported. SD: Standard Deviation; f2: size effect index, values greater than 0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 represent small, medium, and large effect sizes; 95CI: 95% Bias-Corrected Confidence Interval; VIF: inner model Variance Inflation Factors; VAF: Variance Accounted Formula x 100 represents the proportion mediated. Significance, Standard Deviations, and 95% Bias-Corrected CIs were performed after applying bootstrap re-sampling for 10,000 subsamples; *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001. Only those total effects that differed from the direct effects are shown.