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. 2022 Jul 14;14(14):2899. doi: 10.3390/nu14142899

Table 3.

Addressed nutrition items of lifestyle screening tools for children in the community setting.

Tool Name Consumption of Food Groups Dietary Habits Psychological Factors Associated with Nutrition Other
1. NutricheQ [18,19,20] Vegetables, fruits, milk, dairy products, sweetened beverages, fortified cereals, red meat instead of oily or dark fish, fast food, unhealthy snacks Age moving to cow’s milk, avoiding foods due to allergy or intolerance
2. Toddler Feeding Questionnaire (TFQ) a [21] Parental indulgent and authoritative practices, not further specified Food environment-related, not further specified
3. Toddler NutriSTEP a [22] Vegetables and fruits, flavoured beverages, dairy and substitutes, grains, meat and alternatives, fast food Eating while watching TV, eating episodes per day, child feeds him- or herself, drinking from bottle with a nipple Food is expensive, problems with chewing or swallowing when eating, being hungry at mealtimes, child controls amount consumed
4. Toddler Dietary Questionnaire (TDQ) [23] Vegetables, fruits, dairy, milk beverages, non-milk beverages, grains, white versus non-white bread, meat products, lean red meat, fish, hot potato products, snack products, sweet snacks, spreadable fats, vegemite-type spreads
5. Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) a [24] Food fussiness, emotional overeating, emotional undereating, satiety responsiveness, slowness in eating, desire to drink, food responsiveness Enjoyment of food
6. Nutrition Screening Tool for Every Preschooler (NutriSTEP) [25,26,27] Vegetables, fruits, dairy, grain products, meat or fish or poultry or alternatives, fast food, supplements Eating while watching TV, eating episodes per day Difficulty buying food because of costs, problems with chewing, swallowing, gagging or choking when eating, not hungry because of drinking all day, parental control of amount consumed
7. Preschooler Dietary Questionnaire (PDQ) a [28] Vegetables, fruits, dairy, milk beverages, non-milk beverages, grains, white versus non-white bread, meat products, lean red meat, fish, hot potato products, snack products, sweet snacks, spreadable fats, vegemite-type spreads
8. Preschoolers Diet–Lifestyle Index (PDL-index) [29] Vegetables, fruits, sweets, dairy products, grains, red meat (products), white meat and legumes, fish and seafood, unsaturated fats
9. Healthy Kids [30] Vegetables, fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, dairy, unhealthy snacks Parent and child eating together, removing fat from meat
10. Tool by Das and Ghosh a [31] Knowledge on healthy dietary habits, nutrients and child nutrition practice
11. Start the Conversation 4–12 (STC-4-12) [32] Vegetables and fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, milk type, unhealthy snacks, fast food Barriers and readiness to change regarding healthy eating
12. Healthy Families Survey [33] Vegetables, fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, healthy snacks, unhealthy snacks Eating out, parent and child eating together, picky eating Parental modelling and parent–child interactions regarding healthy eating, parental food resource management and shopping behaviours
13. Knowledge, Attitudes and Habits (KAH-) questionnaire [34] Vegetables, fruits, pastries Consuming breakfast, lunch and dinner, having mid-morning snack, trying new foods Attitudes towards healthy and unhealthy eating Knowledge on healthy and unhealthy eating
14. Parental Self-efficacy Questionnaire [35] Confidence regarding intake of vegetables, fruits, fruit juice, sugary drinks, sweets, dairy, grains, meat and alternatives, sodium, fats and eating out, eating together, child making healthy choices
15. Tool by Chacko and Ganesan [36] Vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fruit, cereals, pulses and dahl and non-vegetarian food, milk and coffee and tea and flavoured milk and curd, junk food, food from street shops Mid-morning and evening snack, meal skipping
16. Food, Health and Choices questionnaire (FHC-Q) [37] Vegetables, fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, processed packaged snacks, fast food Self-determination, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, habit strength, goal intention, knowledge and social desirability regarding a healthy diet
17. Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (HEPASEQ-C) [38] Self-efficacy to adhere to recommendations and to choose the healthy option when in temptation
18. Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Behavior Recall Questionnaire for Children (HEPABRQ-C) [38] Vegetables, number of colours of vegetables, fruits, soda pop, dairy, healthy snacks Choosing the healthy option when eating out
19. Eating Behavior Questionnaire for School Children a [39] Food responsiveness, meal timings, eating problems, meal preparation
20. Tool by Drouin and Winickoff [40] Sugar-sweetened beverages
21. Child Nutrition and Physical Activity (CNPA) Screening Tool [41] Vegetables, fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, milk, milk type, fast food Consuming breakfast, dinner eaten with adult Perception, confidence and importance items on a healthy diet
22. Electronic Kids Dietary Index (E-KINDEX) [42] Vegetables, fruits and fruit juices, sweets and junk food, soft drinks, milk, bread, cereals and grain foods, meat, salted and smoked meat food, fish and seafood, legumes, fried food, grilled food Consuming breakfast, number of main meals and snacks, eating in fast food restaurants or other eating places, eating with family, eating alone, eating of healthy food, eating meals in afternoon school, eating foods because they are advertised, eating whatever food is prepared at home, parental insistence to eat all the food, eating when not hungry Beliefs and attitudes regarding an (un)healthy diet, weight, dieting
23. Family Health Behavior Scale (FHBS) [43] Consuming breakfast, eating three meals a day, eating at table, staying seated at the table, eating at a routine time, asking for unhealthy snacks, eating when bored, emotional eating, eating frequently, sneaking of food Being influenced to eat or offered unhealthy foods by others Choices and teaching on healthy foods by parents
24. Family Nutrition and Physical Activity (FNPA) screening tool a [44,45] Food choices, beverage choices Family eating patterns, family eating habits Restriction/rewarding
25. HABITS questionnaire [46] Vegetables, fruits, fruit juice, sugar-sweetened beverages, milk, water, fast food meals, unhealthy snacks Eating while watching TV, eating three meals a day, eating extra meals or snacks
26. Healthy Living for Kids Survey (HLKS) a [47] Vegetables, fruits, low fat milk, whole wheat bread Self-efficacy and nutritional intention for healthy eating
27. HeartSmartKids (HSK) a [48] (HeartSmartKids, LLC, Boulder, US) At least: vegetables and fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages (incl. juice), milk, unhealthy snacks At least: consuming breakfast, eating at restaurants, eating while watching TV
28. Home Self-Administered Tool for Environmental Assessment of Activity and Diet (HomeSTEAD) [49] Parent and child eating together at table, eating while TV is on Parental autonomy support, atmosphere during meals Parental control and limit setting, eating area decoration
29. Lifestyle Behavior Checklist (LBC) [50,51] Parental problems experiencing and confidence in dealing with child’s eating habits (e.g., eats too quickly, yells about food, hides food)
30. Pediatric Adapted Liking Survey (PALS) [52] b Vegetables, fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, dairy, meat, fish, beans, peanut butter, unhealthy snacks (sweet, salty and fat)
31. Short-Form, Multicomponent Dietary Questionnaire (SF-FFQ4PolishChildren) a [53] Vegetables, fruits, sugar-sweetened beverages, energy drinks, juices, sweets, dairy, fish, fast food Breakfast consumption, frequency of having two meals per day Nutrition knowledge
34. Adolescent Lifestyle Profile (ALP) a [56,57] At least: vegetables, fruits, sweets, low fat dairy, chicken or fish instead of beef At least: consuming breakfast
35. Childhood Family Mealtime Questionnaire (CFMQ) (reduced) [58] Mealtime structure, mealtime communication Family mealtime stress Appearance weight control
36. Diet–Lifestyle Index [59] Vegetables, fruits, sweets and added sugars, dairy type, wholegrain, breakfast cereals Consuming breakfast, eating foods not prepared at home, eating episodes per day, removing visible fat from meat/poultry
37. Shortened Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) II a [60] NR NR NR NR
38. Tool by Fernald et al. a [61] At least: vegetables, fruits
39. Tool by Hyun et al. [62] Nutrition knowledge, including general knowledge and knowledge regarding food composition, nutrients and diseases
40. Tool by Hyun et al. [62] Vegetables, green and orange vegetables, seaweed, fruits, dairy, meat and fish and egg and beans Consuming breakfast, eating adequate amounts, combining food groups at each meal
41. VISA-TEEN [63] Vegetables and fruit, soft drinks, dairy, grains and potatoes, red meats, chicken and fish and eggs, butter and sweets, liquid excluding soft drinks

Notes: Tools are sorted by target age. We numbered the tools in Table 3 as in Table 1. As tool number 32 and 33 do not describe nutrition items, they have been omitted from Table 3. a Specific items of screening tool not fully described; b liking/disliking of food items is used as proxy for intake.