Figure 4.
Higher expression of LILRB2 on intermediate and non-classical monocytes at 18 and 24 months during active malaria. The expression of LILRB2 on immune cells was measured with the geometric mean of fluorescence intensity (gmfi) between infected and not-infected infants at 18 or 24 months of age. Respectively 16 and 25 Pf infections were reported at 18 and 24 months among which 10 and 6 were symptomatic Pf infections. Total, asymptomatic or symptomatic malaria infections were represented with plain circle, square and triangle respectively. No infection at the visit was represented with empty symbols. The horizontal dark line in the beeswarm plot represents the median value. The number of infants with total, asymptomatic or symptomatic malaria infections varies between 1 and 23 for all monocyte subtypes. A linear regression (univariate analysis) was performed to compare the expression between the two groups of infants. P values are indicated in italic. In bold are the associations still significant after Bonferroni correction.