Fig. 5.
ADSC-exos carried miR-17-5p into macrophages to target TXNIP. A MiR-17-5p decreased in AAA tissue and was upregulated by ADSC-derived exosomes injection. B, C The Raw264.7 cells were co-cultured with ADSC-exos overnight (B), and the miR-17-5p level was detected by RT-qPCR (C). D Target relation between miR-17-5p and TXNIP predicted on E, F Target relation of miR-17-5p and TXNIP identified using dual-luciferase reporter gene assay. G, H RT-qPCR was conducted to evaluate the levels of miR-17-5p. Repetition = 3; The one-way ANOVA and two-tailed Student’s t-test were performed to compare data between groups. *P value < 0.05, **P value < 0.01, ***P value < 0.001