Figure 6.
Electrophysiology of IKr and action potentials in guinea pig atrial cardiomyocytes. (A) Experimental protocol: IKr tail currents and AP were measured in freshly isolated atrial myocytes from adult guinea pig heart under control conditions and after pre-exposure to lipotoxicity for 2 h. Exemplar IKr tail current traces measured in control cells (B) and lipotoxic cells in the absence (C) and presence of RAP (D). (E) Population I–V curves for IKr tail currents measured in control cells (black symbol and line), lipotoxic cells (red symbol and line) and in lipotoxic cells pre-treated with RAP (cyan symbol and line). (F) IKr tail current amplitude measured at +10 mV under the indicated conditions. Representative AP traces measured in control cells (G) and after pre-exposure to lipotoxicity (2 h, H) and lipotoxicity+RAP (I). Statistical analysis of APD50 (J) and APD90 (K) revealed that RAP partially rescued lipotoxicity-induced shortening of APD in atrial myocytes. Data were generated from cardiomyocytes from three guinea pigs. (* statistical significance at p < 0.05).