Chemical mechanisms. (A) PUFA peroxidation
may be initiated by •OH radicals, and propagated
indefinitely by a chain
reaction in the presence of oxygen. The chain reaction is linear,
that is, non-branching, so that oxidative damage does not necessarily
accelerate with time, except insofar as additional chain reactions
are initiated. It should be noted that PUFA-OOH species are unstable
and may undergo spontaneous internal rearrangements and cleavages,
as well as oxidations and reductions. (B) Bis-allylic PUFA hydrogens
are readily abstracted by •OH radicals to yield
a carbon-centered free radical; this process is markedly inhibited
by deuterium substitution. (C) Under some conditions, a bis-allylic
hydrogen may be abstracted by an α-tocopheryl radical, with
regeneration of α-tocopherol in the course of peroxide formation.