Geographic distribution by regions of HIV-1 Pol variants available in Los Alamos HIV sequence database (LANL) in January 2022. HIV-1 variant distribution within regions in PR (A), RT (B), and IN (C). PR, Protease; RT, reverse transcriptase; IN, integrase. Countries are colored by regions according to the United Nations geoscheme ( Geographic regions color code inside the box in (A). Pie graphs show the percentage of the HIV-1 variants per region as available in LANL in January 2022 and the most frequent variant per region. The total number of available LANL sequences per region is in brackets beside the region name. NA, Northern Africa; SA, Southern Africa; EA, Eastern Africa; WA, Western Africa; CA, Central Africa; SAM, South America; CAC, Central America and The Caribbean; NAM, North America; OC, Oceania; NEU, Northern Europe; SEU, Southern Europe; EEU, Eastern Europe; WEU, Western Europe; CAS, Central Asia; SEAS, Southern and Southeastern Asia; EAS, Eastern Asia; WAS, Western Asia.