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. 2022 Jul 28;15:32. doi: 10.1186/s12245-022-00435-3

Table 1.

Reviewed literature on homelessness in the ED

Author(s), year Study year Country Study aim Study design and study duration Setting and study population Number and/or proportion of unique patients who are homeless Number and/or proportion of ED visits made by homeless persons Key reasons for presentation to the ED Mean number of ED visits per person, per year
1 Tadros et al. 2016 [15] 2016 USA To analyse changes in ED utilisation of homeless patients and compare that with non-homeless visits Comparative analysis of the 2005 and 2010 NHAMCS dataset Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments In 2010, 679,854 (0.55%) out of 124,043,357 presentations to the ED were made by homeless persons In 2010, homeless persons made an average of 5.8 visits per person per year compared with 1.7 by non-homeless persons
2 Oates et al. 2009 [16] 2009 USA To analyse the national utilisation of the ED by the homeless population Cross-sectional, secondary analysis of data using NHAMCS dataset Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments In 2005, 472,922 (0.41%) out of 115,322,815 presentations to the ED were made by homeless persons
3 Holtyn et al. 2017 [17] 2017 USA To examine the relationship between ED utilisation and alcohol use in homeless alcohol-dependent adults Analysis of self-report assessments of alcohol and emergency department use alongside random breath collections Homeless, alcohol-dependent (met DSM-IV criteria) adults from an inpatient detoxification unit and homeless community agencies Out of 86 recorded ED visits, 29.1% presented due to alcohol intoxication, 4.7% for alcohol withdrawal, 2.3% for drug/medication overdose, 11.6% for psychological problems and 18.6% for medical problems Average of 4.4 ED visits per person per year
4 Brown et al. 2010 [18] 2010 UK To determine whether the rate of attendance was related to the outside temperature A retrospective study of routine ED computer records from 2003 to 2008 Patients presenting to the Northern General Hospital ED and data from the Weston Park Weather Station 2930 (0.55%) out of 528,573 visits to the ED were made by persons identified as homeless
5 Cheung et al. 2015 [19] 2015 Canada To examine the relationship between ED use and substance dependence among homeless individuals with concurrent mental illness who participated in a ‘Housing First’ intervention trial Analysis of administrative data and findings from Vancouver At Home survey data Homeless or precariously housed individuals who met criteria for a mental disorder with or without concurrent substance use dependence; administrative data collected from six urban hospitals in the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Average of 2.1 ED visits per person, per year
6 Brown et al. 2013 [20] 2013 USA To compare the ED visit characteristics of younger homeless adults with those of older homeless adults Analysis of a systematic random sample of ED visits using NHAMCS dataset from 2005 to 2009 Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments 2,808,000 (0.6%) out of 468,000,000 ED visits were made by homeless adults Psychiatric issues were more frequent in younger than older homeless adults (23% vs 15%; P = 0.01). Older homeless adults were more likely to suffer injuries (28% vs 21%; P = .04) and cardiovascular complaints (11% vs 5%; P = 0.02) than younger homeless adults
7 Raven et al. 2017 [21] 2017 USA To identify ED use patterns and factors associated with ED use in adults 50 and older Initial screen for study eligibility followed by analysis of baseline interview and medical records Random sample of adults aged 50 years and older from homeless encampments, recycling centres, overnight homeless shelters and meal programmes Out of 348 recorded visits to the ED, 23.9% presented for chronic illness, 21.6% for new illness, 19.2% for pain, 16.4% for injury, 8.3% for analgesic requirement and 5.8% for mental health issues
8 Ku et al. 2010 [22] 2010 USA To assess whether homelessness or associated characteristics independently predicted ED use Descriptive, cross-sectional secondary analysis of ED visits using NHAMCS dataset for the years 2005 and 2006 Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments 1.1 million (0.5%) out of 234 million weighted ED attendances during the 2-year time frame were by homeless patients Out of 550,000 recorded visits to the ED, 304,000 (55.3%) patients presented due to injuries, 100,000 (18.3%) due to alcohol or other drug use, 57,000 (10.4%) due to psychiatric diagnoses and 38,500 (7%) due to respiratory diagnoses Average of 0.72 ED visits per person, per year
9 Feldman et al. 2017 [23] 2017 USA To explore whether prevalence of homelessness in the ED varied between weekdays and weekends and between seasons Prospective, 5-question homelessness screening survey of eligible participants attending the ED between May 2015 and February 2016 Patients, who are not critically ill, registered with 3 EDs in north-eastern Pennsylvania 309 (7.03%) out of 4395 participants were cited as experiencing homelessness
10 Jackson et al. 2019 [24] 2019 USA To describe demographics and proportion of ED patients who have experienced homelessness Cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of patients presenting to the ED from September to December 2016 Patients presenting to Urban Atlanta ED 475 (51.5%) out of 923 ED patients who completed the survey stated some degree of homelessness in the previous year
11 Lee et al. 2019 [25] 2019 Australia To compare the prevalence of homelessness in consecutive patients presenting to the ED Prospective screening of housing status and retrospective audit of administrative data for patients presenting to the ED during a 7-day period in 2017

Patients presenting to an inner metropolitan hospital ED in Melbourne

Sample size: 1275 ED presentations involving 1208 individual patients (7-day period)

40 (7.9%) of the 504 prospectively screened patients were identified as homeless and 16 (2.3%) of the 704 non-screened patients were identified as homeless
12 Tsai et al. 2013 (a) [26] 2013 USA To examine the proportion of homeless veterans among users of Veteran Affairs EDs and compare homeless and housed VA ED users’ clinical characteristics Cross-sectional study analysing national VA ED user’s administrative data from the fiscal year 2010 Homeless veterans presenting to VA EDs 64,091 (6.89%) VA ED users identified as homeless out of 930,712 veterans that utilised VA EDs Out of 64,091 recorded visits to the ED, 13.55% presented for alcohol disorder, 11.92% for drug disorder, 37.72% for psychiatric diagnoses (35.68% for non-substance misuse related), 12.84% for any pain diagnosis, 26.30% for congestive heart failure and 7.49% for chronic pulmonary disease Average of 3.38 (SD=4.01) ED visits per person per year compared with 2.07 (SD=1.09) for non-homeless users
13 Rodriguez et al. 2009 [27] 2009 USA To determine the extent that people experiencing homeless present to the ED for social issues Prospective case-control study conducting interviews between July 2006 and March 2007 Patients in the treatment areas of one urban hospital ED 9806 (19.5%) out of 50,172 visits to the ED in 2006 Out of 191 homeless patients, 29% stated that hunger, safety and lack of shelter were the primary reasons for presenting to the ED Average of 5.8 ED visits per person, per year (SD= 2.2)
14 Lin et al. 2015 [28] 2015 USA To determine which factors are associated with frequent ED visits and hospitalisations among the insured homeless population Retrospective, cross-sectional study using BHCHP electronic database from January to December 2010 Homeless Medicaid recipients who received service from BHCHP Out of 25,771 recorded visits to the ED, 15.2% of patients presented for alcohol-related disorders, 7.6% for psychiatric disorders (not including substance misuse-related conditions), 5.3% for drug-related disorders, 14% for injury and poisoning, 7% for respiratory disorders and 5% for circulatory disorders Average of 3.97 ED visits per person, per year
15 Mackelprang et al. 2014 [29] 2014 USA To describe injury characteristics and circumstances among individuals identified as homeless in the ED Cross-sectional, case-control study using the NEISS database between January 2007 and December 2011 Patients with product-related injuries who presented to NEISS EDs 268 (0.0142%) out of 1,885,274 unique cases that presented to NEISS ED’s with product-related injuries involved a homeless person Out of 268 recorded visits to the ED, 13.8% had alcohol involvement and 3.4% had drug/substance use involvement
16 Doran et al. 2016 [30] 2016 USA To quantify the presence of housing instability, homelessness, and other selected social determinants of health in ED patients Cross-sectional survey of a random sample of ED patients from June to August 2014 Patients presenting to an urban public hospital ED Out of 625 visits to the ED, 19.6% reported homelessness or lack of stable housing in the past 2 months
17 Moore et al. 2011 [31] 2011 Australia To describe patterns of service use and predict risk factors for re-presentation to an ED among homeless persons Retrospective analysis using computerised patient administration system from January 2003 to December 2004 Patients presenting to a principal referral hospital ED 1595 (3.9%) out of 40,942 individual patients were homeless 6689 (10.4%) out of 64,177 visits to the ED were made by the homeless population Average of 2.1 ED visits per person, per year
18 Hammig et al. 2014 [32] 2014 USA To determine the clinical characteristics of homeless patients presenting to the ED, focusing on unintentional and intentional injury events and related comorbid conditions Retrospective cohort study analysing ED visits from the NHAMCS database from 2007 to 2010 Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments 603,000 (0.5%) out of 119,993,000 visits to the ED annually were made by homeless patients Out of 603,000 reorded visits to the ED, 55% were injury related and 45% were non-injury related
19 Mackelprang et al. 2015 [33] 2015 USA To analyse the prevalence and characteristics of ED and inpatient admissions among homeless and unstably housed youth Retrospective cohort study using electronic medical records from July 2009 to June 2012 Patients presenting to the ED or inpatient departments of two urban teaching hospitals Out of 1151 recorded visits to the ED, 30.06% were injury related, 23.28% were due to psychiatric illness, 7.99% were alcohol related, 21.29% were drug related and 57.34% were due to a chronic medical condition Average of 0.97 ED visits per person, per year
20 Feldman et al. 2018 [34] 2018 USA To assess the prevalence of homelessness by gender Retrospective survey from May 2015 to February 2016 Patients presenting to 3 EDs (a level trauma centre, a suburban hospital and an inner-city hospital) 309 (7%) out of 4395 unique participants were homeless
21 Tsai et al. 2013 (b) [35] 2013 USA To determine the ED use among homeless and domiciled VA service users Retrospective cohort study using VA administrative workload databases from fiscal year 2010 Homeless and domiciled veterans presenting to the ED 64,099 (6.89%) out of 930,598 visits to the ED were made by homeless people
22 Moulin et al. 2018 [36] 2018 USA To determine the ED utilisation for patients with a primary mental health diagnosis Retrospective analysis of OSHPD data from 2009 to 2014 Patients with a primary mental illness visiting acute care hospitals’ EDs 6153 (0.73%) out of 846,867 visits made to the ED by adult patients with mental illness were by homeless ED users
23 Cheallaigh et al. 2017 [37] 2017 Ireland To compare the use of unscheduled ED and inpatient care between housed and homeless patients Observational cross-sectional study using electronic patient data in 2015 All ED visits and unscheduled admissions to one teaching hospital 2966 (6.3%) out of 47,174 ED attendances were made by homeless patients Out of 2966 recorded visits to the ED, 7.6% presented for overdose and poisoning, 6.6% for alcohol-related issues, 5.6% for head injury, 4.8% for mental illness, 3.8% for abdominal pain and 2.9% for chest pain Average of 3 ED visits per person per year and housed individuals had an average of 0.16 ED visits per, person per year
24 Yeniocak et al. 2017 [38] 2017 Turkey To determine the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of Turkish homeless patients who were brought to the ED by ambulance Retrospective cross-sectional study from January to December 2014 Homeless adult patients brought to a Tertiary Training and Research Hospital by ambulance 167 (0.0835%) homeless patients attended the ED which serves an average of 200,000 patients each year Out of 167 visits to the ED, 14.7% presented due to respiratory difficulty, 12.57% due to abdominal pain, 23.35% for clouded consciousness, 15.57% for generally impaired condition, 7.78% for traffic incidents and 5.39% for sharp object injury
25 Lloyd et al. 2017 [39] 2017 Australia To understand the profile and expressed needs of people seen by HEDLO in the ED in comparison to the general hospital population Retrospective chart audit of data recorded in ED referral database and HEDLO files from October 2013 to January 2015 Homeless persons referred to HEDLOs in Queensland Health ED

117,996 presentations to the ED over 16-month period.

Of these, 221 homeless people were referred to HEDLO

Out of 221 recorded visits to the ED, 25% presented due to mental health, 19% due to alcohol- and other drug-related issues, 39% for chronic medical conditions and 15% for social reasons
26 Lombardi et al. 2019 [40] 2019 USA To analyse national survey data to elucidate the differences between homeless and non-homeless patients’ ED visits Retrospective study using NHAMCS dataset from 2005 to 2015 Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments 2750 (0.91%) out of 303, 326 visits to the ED were made by homeless persons Out of 2750 recorded visits to the ED, 28.4% presented due to psychiatric diagnoses, (16.29% were not substance misuse related) 17.7% were drug use related, 1.2% were alcohol related, 1.78% were respiratory related and 1.09% were cardiovascular related
27 Hastings et al. 2013 [41] 2013 USA To determine predictors of repeat health service use in older veterans treated and released from the ED Retrospective cohort study analysing VHA administrative datasets and the Vitals Mini File from 1 October 2007 to 30 June 2008 Patients aged 65 or over who were treated and released from a Veterans Affairs Medical Centre ED or urgent care clinic 374 (1.2%) out of 31,206 visits to the ED were made by homeless veterans
28 Lam et al. 2016 [42] 2016 USA To assesses the impact of homelessness on 30-day ED revisits and hospital readmissions among patients presenting with mental disorders Secondary analysis of administrative data in the ED looking at visits made in 2012 Homeless patients presenting to the ED in an urban, safety-net hospital 4210 (4.6%) 0ut of 92,307 unique patients were homeless at any time during the study period 15,159 (10.9%) out of 139,414 visits to the ED were made by persons who were homeless at any time during the study period Out of 15,159 recorded visits to the ED, 39.25% presentations were mental disorders and 60.75% were non-mental disorders
29 Stenius-Ayoade. 2017 [43] 2017 Finland To examine the role of mental disorders in relation to the use of primary healthcare services among homeless shelters in Helsinki Retrospective analysis of electronic health records made by physicians and nurses working in primary health care from 2005 to 2008 Homeless persons in 4 shelters operating in the Helsinki metropolitan area Out of 587 recorded visits to the Primary Health Care Emergency Rooms, 11% were for mental health and substance abuse, 38% were for trauma, 11% were for infections and 19% were for intoxications and convulsions
30 Post et al. 2013 [44] 2013 USA To determine the prevalence and types of ‘new media’ use among homeless patients who present to the ED Observational cross-sectional survey from July to August 2012 Patients presenting to 3 urban, high-volume EDs in Connecticut 249 (4.3%) out of 5788 subjects enrolled in the study, reported episodes of homelessness in the past year.
31 Moore et al. 2012 [45] 2012 Australia To evaluate the accuracy of a predictive model to identify homeless people at risk of re-presentation to the ED Prospective cohort study conducted from 1 April 2009 to 30 April 2009 Patients presenting to an adult, tertiary referral hospital ED, excluding those who died during study period 211 (7.31%) out of 2888 unique individuals who visited the ED were homeless 327 (9.92%) out of 3298 visits to the ED were made by homeless persons
32 Doran et al. 2018 [46] 2018 USA To characterise alcohol and drug use in a sample of homeless vs. non-homeless ED patients Baseline survey interviews with patients at public hospital ED from November 2016 to September 2017 Random sample of patients who presented to an urban public hospital ED 316 (13.69%) out of 2309 patients were currently experiencing homelessness Out of 316 recorded visits to the ED, 25% were substance use related
33 Doran et al. 2013 [47] 2013 USA To determine what multi-dimensional patient-level factors are most strongly associated with a 6-level gradient of VHA ED use Cross-sectional analysis of data obtained from national VHA databases for fiscal year 2010 Veterans presenting to VHA ED services 64,091 (6.9%) out of 930,712 patients who visited the ED were homeless
34 Ku et al. 2014 [48] 2014 USA To examine the study characteristics and costs associated with homeless ED frequent users Retrospective cross-sectional review of hospital and financial records for ED visits in 2006 Frequent users of the ED in an urban academic medical centre with a level 1 trauma and annual census of greater than 60,000 visits 74 (13.7%) out 542 frequent users were homeless 845 (15.5%) out of 5440 visits made by frequent users were made by homeless persons Out of the 845 presentations to the ED, 12.9% were due to substance abuse, 10.9% were nervous system related, 8.9% were respiratory problems, 7.1% were cardiovascular problems and 8.3% were due to traumatic disorders
35 Coe et al. 2015 [49] 2015 USA To compare homeless patients’ utilisation of the urban ED in the USA with non-homeless patients Cross-sectional study of the NHAMCS-ED electronic database for 2009 to 2010 Patients presenting to non-federal hospital ED and outpatient departments 1,302,256 (0.65%) out of 200,645,347 visits to the ED were made by homeless patients
36 Amato et al. 2018 [50] 2018 USA To compare emergency care utilisation between individuals with documented homelessness to those enrolled in Medicaid without documented homelessness Retrospective cohort study using medical chart review between for the years 2013 and 2014 Patients presenting to a single, urban, academic, tertiary care centre 7532 (5.17%) out of 145,662 visits to the ED were made by persons with documented homelessness Out of 7532 recorded visits to the ED, 20.1% of patients presented for mental health disorders, 13.4% were alcohol related, 1.12% were for drug overdose, 9.3% were for abdominal pain, 8.7% were for chest pain and 7.8% were for trauma

BHCHP, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; ED, emergency department; HEDLO, Homeless Emergency Department Liaison Officers; DSM-IV: NEISS, National Electronic Injury Surveillance System; NHAMCS, National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey; OSHPD, California’s Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development; VA, Veteran Affairs; VHA, Veteran Health Affairs