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. 2022 Jul 28:1–33. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1007/s12247-022-09665-7

Table 3.

Patent position and pros and cons of analytical tools that generics can utilize for profiling generic/biosimilar LMWH drug products

Technique Advantages Challenges Patent Inventor(s) Current assignee Patent expiry
RP-LC–MS Capability to perform intact chain mapping analysis; offer rich information about chain distribution and composition of LMWHs; can identify trace amounts of unusual structures or impurities, can characterize by-products, and degradation products Insufficient separation resolution, detection sensitivity or specificity; restricted ability to identify different disaccharide building blocks of LMWHs (12 to 17) US7329353 Thomas Dillon et al. Amgen Inc 06–03-2026
CE-MS Capability to perform intact chain mapping analysis; offer rich information about chain distribution and composition of LMWHs; can identify trace amounts of unusual structures or impurities rapid, economic, ultra-sensitive Insufficient separation resolution, detection sensitivity or specificity; restricted ability to identify different disaccharide building blocks of LMWHs (12 to 17) WO2015121366 Johann FAR et al. Analis S.A N/A
LIT-MS/MS/MS (or MS3) Better in-trap fragmentation, high ion trap sensitivity, and high selectivity Difficult high selection resolution US9852895 Daniel James Kenny Micromass UK Ltd 20–01-2030
MSI-CE-MS High-throughput screening of ions within a single capillary; enhanced data processing with quality assurance Low mechanical robustness, poor reproducibility US9490110 Phillip Britz-McKibbin McMaster University 14–05-2034
CE-ESI–MS Simple, inexpensive, good in resolution, easy capillary replacement, highly compatible with MS Insufficient capacity, low selectivity, not suitable for high MW analysis EP2250490B1 Elizabeth Jane Maxwell, Xuefei Zhong, Hong Zhang, David Da Yong Chen University of British Columbia 06–03-2029
ESI FT-ICR MS Ultra high spectral resolution and mass accuracy; facilitate application of top-down MS strategies High cost, requires large space, long signal acquisition time, not suitable for clinical laboratory applications US8530834 Alan G. Marshall et al. Florida State University Research Foundation, Inc 05–02-2030
DE-MALDI-TOF MS High spectral resolution and mass accuracy, obviating the need for MS tuning during single sample signal acquisition Presents different results under similar sample preparation using similar conditions US9536726B2 James VanGordon, Bradford Clay Biomerieux, Inc 27–08-2035
SEC-UPLC/Q-TOF HRMS Simple; robust; capacity to reflect process-based structural changes; potential to reveal contribution of each individual components to the overall bioactivity of LMWHs; capacity to identify oligosaccharide with sizes upto dp30.* [37] Cost, insufficient storage capacity US202002000719A1 Navya Sama et al. Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd


(05–09-2038, if granted)

IP-HILIC LC–ESI–MS Simple, effective for analysis of –vely charged saccharides, suitable for coupling with MS, low IP concentration increases resolution and strength of MS, highly sensitive, low contamination rate, useful for quality control of LMWHs Sensitivity fluctuates during runs, low separation efficiency for polar compounds WO2016051170A1 Lingzhi Gong Isis Innovation Limited N/A
HILIC-UPLC-CAD/MS Capacity to separate highly sulfated and very polar heparin oligosaccharides; universal adaptability to any MS instrument; capacity to identify oligosaccharides with sizes up to dp28; robust, reproducible and easy-to-use, offers impressive increase in sensitivity when compared with RP-LC–MS High reliance on aprotic solvent acetonitrile, less flexible US9441053B2 ChungYao Wang, Imin Huang, Chia Yen Wu, YungTe Chiang Helen Chao ScinoPharm Taiwan Ltd 20–02-2035
SEC-MS/RPIP-HPLC–MS Fast, capacity to disclose size distributions and sequences; better in oligosaccharide resolution, provide interesting information about oligosaccharide structure, chain length, and chemical modifications Expensive, low tolerance to contaminants WO2013139478A1 Giangiacomo Torri, Antonella Bisio Instituto di Ricerche Chimiche e Biochimiche “G. Ronzoni” N/A
SAX-HPLC or RP-HPLC ESI–MS Capacity to profile disaccharide building blocks; offers better resolution; signal enhancement, effective in costs Signal suppression, low tolerance to contaminants US9139876 Zachary Shriver, Naveen Bhatnagar, Nur Sibel Gunay, Jennifer Ozug, Elaine Y. Sun Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc 23–08-2031
Orbitrap MS/MS High resolution/ionization efficiency; high mass accuracy; miniature design, offers identification and characterization of all known disaccharide building blocks Lower sensitivity, false negatives, low-abundance peaks US7728290B2 Alexander Makarov Thermo Finnigan LLC 22–10-2024
HPLC FTICR + LTQ-FTMS Posttranslational modification analysis of complex molecules Low-abundance peaks, limited mass accuracy and resolution WO2006026569A2 Shiaw-Lin Wu et al. Northeastern University N/A
LC–MS/MS Capable of sequencing short oligosaccharide mixture with saccharides as large as dodecasaccharides; highly sensitive, specific and rapid in detection Higher operational cost; more limited sample throughput; less favorable concentration sensitivity US8945933 Anthony Le, Tina Cowan The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University 20–10-2032
FT-ICR MS Incomparable high mass resolution, mass measurement accuracy; small, simple Relatively slow acquisition rate US5886346 Alexander Alekseevich Makarov Thermo Finnigan LLC 29–03-2016
IMS-MS Simple, selective, sensitive, inexpensive, Low-resolution, limited dynamic response range, low tolerance to contamination US9607820B2 Robert Harold Bateman et al Micromass UK Ltd 21–05-2030
ECD-CID MS/MS Simple, low costs, selectively cleaves c-z site on the amino acid backbone; suitable for analyzing post-translational modifications Low in fragmentation efficiency; requires high signal-to-noise ratio for precursor ions US8080786B2 Takashi Baba, Hiroyuki Satake, Izumi Waki Hitachi High Tech Corp 10–07-2026
CID MS/MS Creates MS spectra with high accuracy and efficiency; produce useful fragmentation Reduces multiplicity of bond cleavages; Ineffective for large molecule samples; Easily detached functional groups cause loss of fragment-derived information on location and provide limited structural information US8269166 Daisuke Okumura Shimadzu Corp 05–02-2029
IRMPD MS/MS Fast, free from blind spots, no degradation of high vacuum; allows product ion formation on axis Fails to conduct complete structural analysis; easily loses side chains involves in post translational modifications of biomolecules; allows secondary fragmentation US6717137B2 Steven A. Hofstadler, Jared J. Drader Ibis Biosciences Inc 11–06-2022
ETD MS/MS Cleaves main amino acid residues sequence chain while preserving the post-translationally modified site; allows more complete sequence information; works well with partially ionized precursor ion; can be practiced on a variety of other analytical tools Not feasible for large-scale analysis, high in cost; technically complex US8692187 Donald F. Hunt et al. University of Virginia Patent Foundation 19–04-2025
ECD MS/MS Efficient, suitable for analyzing complex mixtures and large biomolecules, produce more structurally important cleavages than CID and IRMPD; produce simple/predictable fragmentation pattern Can be employed in Penning cell ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometers US6958472 Roman Zubarev Syddansk Universitet 22–03-2022
EID MS/MS Suitable for dissociating high-mass, even-electron ions produced by thermo spray and other soft ionization tools; yields extensive and reproducible fragmentation characteristics; can analyze qualitatively and quantitatively greater quantity of samples; can be easily implemented on a variety of analytical tools Need electron sourcing and singly charged precursor ions US4731533 Marvin L. Vestal Applied Biosystems LLC 15–10-2006
IT-MS Selectively trap multivalent ions having variety of charge to mass ratio Can cause outgassing, Need for large radio frequency (RF) potentials can aggravate RF breakdown US6847037 Yoshikatsu Umemura Shimadzu Corp 19–05-2023
2D-Tandem MS Much faster, offers large increase in peak capacity, can characterize intact chains or originally stable non- fragmenting ions High cost US6770871 Houle Wang, Kerry D. Nugnet

Bruker Corp

Bruker Scientific LLC

Chip cube Nano-LC–ESI–MS/MS ion-trap system Easy, reliable, efficient, highly sensitive, can investigate a wide range of biomolecules Reproducibility, sensitivity dependency on shape of the capillary tip and cone distance US20160305919A1 Gregory Staples Agilent Technologies Inc Abandoned

RP-LC–MS reverse phase-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, CE capillary electrophoresis, LIT linear ion trap, FT-MS Fourier transform mass spectrometry, FT­ICR Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, MSI multi-segment injection, DE delayed extraction, MALDI matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, ESI electrospray ionization, IT ion trap, CID collision-induced dissociation, IRMPD infrared multiphoton dissociation, HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography, HILIC hydrophilic interaction chromatography, Q-TOF quadruple time-of-flight, RPIP reversed phase ion pairing chromatography, SEC size exclusion chromatography, UPSEC ultra-performance size exclusion chromatography, SAX strong anion exchange chromatography, CTA-SAX cetyltrimethylammonium-coated SAX, UPLC ultra-performance liquid chromatography, HRMS high-resolution-MS, UVPD ultra-violet photodissociation, EDD electron detachment dissociation, EID electron-induced dissociation, NETD negative electron transfer dissociation

Sources: (i) For patents:,,,,; (ii) For advantages and disadvantages of techniques: Lauren E. Pepi, Patience Sanderson, Morgan Stickney, I. Jonathan Amster, Developments in Mass Spectrometry for Glycosaminoglycan Analysis: A Review, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, Volume 20, 2021, 100,025, ISSN 1535–9476,; (iii) Zhangjie Wang, Lianli Chi. Recent advances in mass spectrometry analysis of low molecular weight heparins [J]. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2018, 29(1): 11–18