Schematic representation of the habituation/dishabituation paradigm used to identify neural correlates associated with a change in discrete and continuous magnitude in the adult zebrafish brain. (A) A change in number from 3 (habituation) to 9 (dishabituation) dots elicits an approach interaction. On the contrary, avoidance of the stimulus is detected in the change from 9 to 3 dots. An evaluation of immediate early genes (IEG) expressions revealed the main role of the thalamus and the dorso-central pallium (Dc) in the elaboration of changes in discrete quantity (numerosity) (Messina et al., 2020, 2022). (B) A change in size, i.e., a decrease (1/3x) or an increase (3x), revealed the main role of the retina and the optic tectum in the elaboration of continuous quantity (stimulus size) (Messina et al., 2020, 2022).