Fig. 4. The isothermal models and absorption mechanism.
a The adsorption isotherms of the modified lignin and RAPIMER composite binding with PFOA. b The adsorption isotherms of the modified lignin and RAPIMER composite binding with PFOS. The solid red line: Langmuir fitting model. The dotted blue line: Freundlich fitting model. Top fitting: modified lignin. Bottom fitting: RAPIMER. Each concentration had triplicate measurements and all overlapped points were shown in the figures (the invisible standard derivations are not applied in the figure due to the small variations). The experiment was reproduced n = 3 times. c The SEM image of PFOA adsorbed RAPIMER composite. d The EDX image of PFOA adsorbed RAPIMER composite with color coding for different elements. Red: carbon, green: oxygen (28.0 wt%), blue: nitrogen (1.4 wt%), purple: fluorine (21.4 wt%). e The SEM image of PFOS adsorbed RAPIMER composite. f The EDX image of PFOS adsorbed RAPIMER composite with color coding for different elements. Red: carbon (51.0 wt%), green: oxygen (27.2 wt%), blue: nitrogen(1.1 wt%), purple: fluorine(19.0 wt%), yellow: sulfur (1.7 wt%). g The SEM and EDX images of PFAS/dye/metals contaminants as-adsorbed RAPIMER composite with color coding for different elements. purple: fluorine, yellow: sulfur, blue violet: chromium, light green: cadmium, emerald green: lead, orange: copper, green: sodium, and blue green: chlorine. The results were based on three repeated measurements and all replicates are shown in the figures. The experiment was reproduced n = 3 times.