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. 2022 Jul 15;9:906482. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.906482


Clinical trials of gene therapy using viral vectors for IRDs (

Phase Conditions Target gene Interventions Result Sponsors and collaborators NCT number
1/2 Achromatopsia CNGB3 Subretinal rAAV2tYF-PR1.7-hCNGB3 NA Applied Genetic Technologies Corp NCT02599922
1/2 Achromatopsia CNGA3 Subretinal rAAV.hCNGA3 NA STZ eyetrial NCT02610582
1/2 Achromatopsia CNGB3 Subretinal AAV2/8 viral vector NA MeiraGTx UK II Ltd NCT03001310
2 Choroideremia REP1 Subretinal AAV-REP1 NA Targeted Genetics Corporation NCT02407678
2 Choroideremia REP1 Subretinal AAV2-REP1 NA Byron Lam NCT02553135
2 Choroideremia REP1 Subretinal rAAV2.REP1 NA STZ eyetrial NCT02671539
1/2 Choroideremia REP1 Subretinal rAAV2.REP1 Improved visual acuity at 6 months UK Department of Health and Wellcome Trust NCT01461213
1/2 Choroideremia REP1 Subretinal rAAV2.REP1 NA Ian M. MacDonald, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions NCT02077361
1/2 Choroideremia CHM Subretinal AAV2-hCHM NA Spark Therapeutics NCT02341807
1/2 LCA RPE65 Subretinal tgAAG76 (rAAV 2/2.hRPE65p.hRPE65) Moderate and temporary improvement of retinal sensitivity National Institute for Health Research and others; Targeted Genetics Corporation NCT00643747
1 LCA RPE65 Subretinal rAAV2-CBSB-hRPE65 Improved visual sensitivity at 3 and 12 months followed by gradual diminution over 6 years, no serious adverse event University of Pennsylvania, National Eye Institute (NEI) NCT00481546
1 LCA RPE65 Subretinal AAV2-hRPE65v2 Modest improvement in subjective vision up to 2 years. The greatest improvement was noted in children. 1 of 12 subjects had temporary macular hole, no other adverse events. Greatest improvement in young patients. Spark Therapeutics, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia NCT00516477
1 LCA RPE65 Subretinal rAAV2-hRPE65 NA Hadassah Medical Organization NCT00821340
1 LCA RPE65 Subretinal AAV2/5 OPTIRPE65 NA MeiraGTx UK II Ltd. NCT02781480
1/2 LCA RPE65 Subretinal AAV2/5 OPTIRPE65 NA MeiraGTx UK II Ltd., Syne Qua Non-Limited NCT02946879
1/2 LCA RPE65 Subretinal AAV2-hRPE65v2 (contralateral eye treatment) Contralateral eyes of 11 subjects from 12 subjects who were enrolled in the previous phase 1 trial. Improved mobility and light sensitivity from day 30 to year 3. One case of endophthalmitis Spark Therapeutics, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia NCT01208389
3 LCA, RP RPE65 Subretinal AAV2-hRPE65v2 Bilateral subretinal injection. Significant improvement in functional vision as measured by the change in mobility testing between baseline and one year Spark Therapeutics NCT00999609
½ LCA RPE65 Subretinal rAAV2-CB-hRPE65 NA Applied Genetic Technologies Corp NCT00749957
½ LCA RPE65 Subretinal rAAV2/4.hRPE65 NA Nantes University Hospital NCT01496040
½ LHON ND4 Intravitreal rAAV2-ND4 Improved visual acuity and enlarged visual field, No local or systemic adverse events Bin Li NCT01267422
3 LHON ND4 Intravitreal GS010 (AAV2/2 ND4) NA GenSight Biologics NCT02652767
3 LHON ND4 Intravitreal GS010 (AAV2/2-ND4) NA GenSight Biologics NCT02652780
½ Retinoschisis RS1 Intravitreal AAV8 scRS/IRBPhRS NA National Eye Institute (NEI) NCT02317887
½ Retinoschisis RS1 Intravitreal rAAV2tYF-CB-hRS1 NA Applied Genetic Technologies Corp NCT02416622
1 RP MERTK Subretinal rAAV2-VMD2-hMERTK NA Fowzan Alkuraya NCT01482195
½ RP Channelrhodopsin-2 Intravitreal RST-001 NA RetroSense Therapeutics NCT02556736
1/2 RP, X-linked RPGR Subretinal AAV-RPGR NA NightstaRx Limited NCT03116113
½ Stargardt Disease ABCA5 Subretinal SAR422459, Lentiviral vector NA Sanofi NCT01367444
½ Stargardt Disease ABCA4 Subretinal SAR422459, Lentiviral vector NA Sanofi NCT01736592